I am extremely grateful to the many readers who have
already sent donations towards the fund for the provision of a Shrine of Remembrance in St. Paul's Protestant Cathedral at Malta. Indi- vidual acknowledgements have been or will be sent. An article on another page of this issue gives some idea of what the men and women whom the Shrine is to commemorate went through before they died—together, of course, with the many who did not die. Let me express gratitude, too, to the readers who have not yet con- tributed but are going to. I beg of them to do so if they can. In these days £2,000 is a fairly substantial sum to raise, but it will be disappointing if between us we cannot raise it. I calculate that one way and another this page is read by about a hundred thousand persons every week. If 2 per cent. of those—one in every fifty—could send Li the thing would be done. If some would send £2 or £5 or £10, as several have, it would be done sooner. I do not mean that smaller sums than Li are not welcome ; they are, and are much appreciated ; but larger sums than Li are more welcome still. Address, Janus, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C. 1. Cheques payable to The Spectator.