If General Opinion Is Anything To Go By, The Likelihood
of the Bishop of London becoming Archbishop of Canterbury is strong. I hope it is not irreverent to suggest that these things must be settled to some extent on the points......
Mr. Churchill's Assertion In An Interview With A Paris Paper
that if the Germans had landed in Great Britain in 1940 we should have been beaten is the most categorical statement I have seen on that subject yet. " That," the P.M. added, "......
The Evolution Of Earl Winterton Out Of Viscount Tumour Marks
a transition from enfant terrible into something like Elder Statesman. For Viscount. Tumour was really a rather terrible infant ; he was very young—only twenty-one—and very......
I Am Extremely Grateful To The Many Readers Who Have
already sent donations towards the fund for the provision of a Shrine of Remembrance in St. Paul's Protestant Cathedral at Malta. Indi- vidual acknowledgements have been or will......
A case (Attorney-General v. the Dean and Chapter of Ripon Cathedral) which is down for hearing before Mr. Justice Uthwatt at an early date is likely to arouse considerable......
A Spectator's Notebook
I T is too soon to assert equivocally Hider fuit, but that something unusual has happened to Hitler is manifest. Unfortunately, nothing more than that can be said to be manifest......
Entente Cordiale
F RANCE is restored to her rightful place among the nations. That is the supreme fact which emerges from the conversa- tions of the past few days in Paris. They were days of......