Bt acns.—On the 11th inst. in Clarges-street, the Lady of Lieut.-Col. Sir W. Berries, : K.C.H. of a son—On the liteh ult. at Burma, in Russia, the Lady of Dr. E. I). Fried • , louder, Professor in that University, of arson—On the 5th inst. at lnestore, Argyleshire,
- the Lady of Donald Camphell, Esq. the younger, of Dumtofnage, of it ettils.4)11the Inst. at Moccas-court, the Lady of Sir G. Cornewall, Bart. of a daughter—On. the 11th inst. at Leamington Priors, the Lady of Capt. G. Baker, R.N. of twin daughters, one of them still born—On the 8th hist, at the Deanery, Winchester, the Lady of the Bishop of Barbados, of a still-born child—On the 14th inst. at Lower Berkeley-street, the Lady of Francis Barlow, Esq. of a son—On the 12th inst. at the Vicarage, Knockholt, near 'Seven Oaks, Kent, the Lady of the Rev. T. Nichol!, of twin daughters—At Beth:impure the Lady of the Hon. H. B. DalzeD, of a son—On the 13th inst. in Wiltun-crescent, Lad; • Catherine Buckley, of twin sons.
Ma OR / AGE'S.—On the 13th inst. at St. Mary's, Bryanston-square, John Searle, jam Esq, to Harriet, eldest daughter of the late J. Talbot, Esq. and niece to the late, and sister is the present Earl of Shrewsbury, the ceremony having been previously per- formed ascording to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church at the house of the Dowager Countess of Shrewsbury—On the 1st hest. at Worms, on the Rhine, Frietleich yen Bechtold, to Cha-rlotte liarriot,, tidest daughter of G. L. Eagcihucmch, Esq. of Mach borough-place, Kermington—On the 13th inst. at Edenhant, Lincolnshire, the Rey. W. II. Spencer Braham, )I.A. Minor Canon of Canterbury Cathedral, and Vicar of Willes. borough, Kent, eldest son of J. Brabant, Esq. to Martha, youngest daughter of Edward Martin, Esq. of Godutuneltester, Hants—The Earl of Ferrers, to Sarah, eldest daughter of W. Davey, Esq. A I pha-road, Regent's-park—On the 14th inst. at Pampisford, John (lades Hunter, Esq. of Wiltou-place, Belgrave-square, to Charlotte, only surviving datmher of the Itev. Henry Lloyd, D.D. vicar of Babraluon, and Regius Professor of Berney. iu the University of Cambridge.
BEAT fIS.—At Edinburgh, 011 the 5th inst. John Horner, Esq. of the firm of Horner and Co. manufacturers ; father of Mr. IIorner, (Ice late celebrated Member of Parliament, and of Mr. Leonard Horner, Warden of the London Uttiversity—On the Slit inst. at Pres.!, ford-house, in the county of Somerset, Sir Walter james James, Bart. in the 71st ye.•r of his age, late of Langley-hall, in tile county nr 1-rk,—On the 7th inst. the Right, Rse. Doctor Kelly, Catholic Bishop of \Waterford and Lismurc—On the 12th hiet. at the 1;:ar1 of Plymouth's, Hewett, Worcestershire, after a few dovs' illness, aged 22, tl:e Hen. Frederick Campbell Amherst, second surviving sett of Earl Amherst—On the fith
at the Chateau de Mere, in Normandy, tleptatia James Bradley, R.N. sort of the tile Andrew Hawes Bradley, Esq. of Gore-court, Wednesday, the 14th inst. at her house in Grosvenor-street, the Countess Dowager of IZaclnor, in the 71st rear ef her age—On Sunday, the Ilth inst. at her brother's house at Brompton, Mary Ann Poulett, eldest daughter of the late Hon. Were Pouleft—On the 12th inst. at Bath, :a.o.d 51, Major-General Sir John Pringle Dalrymple, Bart. the last male representative if the family of Dalrymple, 1)1' Hailes—On the 9th inst. at the Duke of Bucclenh's, at Rich- mond, the Lady Isabella Cust, wife of the Hon. Captain Puregine F. Clet, hip.— At Edinburgh, on the 1st inst. the Lady of Geoeral Sir William Maxwell, et: Calder- wood, Bart.—Oa the Sth inst. at Capesthorne-hall, Mrs. Davenport, the wi:t.• of I), DavenpurtsEsq. M.P. for Cheshire.