The Waverley Novels.
THE new edition is selling at a prodigious rate ; and Sir WALTER SCOTT is reaping, or rather, those for whom, with a noble elevation of principle, he continues to labour, will......
New Prints.
MR. ACKERMANN has just published a coloured print representing the Supreme Court of Judicature at Ceylon, drawn by STEPHANOFF after a sketch by a native of that island, and......
Steads-engines In Cornwall.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Sts,—The annexe.d statement, of duty performed by some of the principal Cornish steam-engines, in drawing water from the mines,.will excite......
Belgic And Prussian Manufactures.
NO H. IT is a question interesting to England to know the comparative value in quality and price of Belgic, Prussian, and British manufactures. As I paid some atten- hon to the......