By the Mount-Stnart-El phi nstone, whose arrival on the coast we reported last week, we have advices from Bombay to the fith of June, acid from Madras aud Calcutta to the middle of May. "finee Company's ships and several Free traders have reached Bombay. Of the latter, the ItAlemaa. from Liverpool, threw ovorlmard about thirty or forty tons of iron in a gale of wind off the Cape, end ills feared that her cargo is other- wise injured. FreitItt thr Europe continues scarce, and is not quoted higher than 2Py. per ton. The l'r i nee of Orange sni led for London on the 28th May. The Eliza, Dixon, . for the same port, would leave on the 1st July, and the Hero, Fell, about the 10th. The Fortune, for CI yi le, would sail about the 17th.
• Freight at Calcutta remains at 4/. to GI_ per ton. The Royal George, Wilson, left that port for London on the 29th April, anti the George and Mary, for Liverpool, on the 3rd May.
. A few letters have been received by the Bate, from the Mauritius, to the 22nd June.
• The Anna Robertson, Davis, from Bengal to London, has a second time put into Port Louis for repair.
Arrived.—At G raves end. (let. 121 Ii, Protector, Bragg, front Bombay; 14th, Lady East, Evans, from Bombay ami Mauritius. At Plymouth for Orders, Oct. 116, Kate, S now- d011, from Mauritius. Al Ileattniaris, for Liverpool, Oct. I llth, Nandi, Hawkins, from Calcutta.. At Liverpool, Oct. 13th, Midas; Watson, from New South Wales ; and 14th Cunha, Lindsay, front Ilengal. In the Clyde, Oct. II th, Claremont, Macaulay, from Bombay. At Madeira, Sept. 5th, .1111i:tom, Tarbutt, from London ; and at. Teneritle, June 22d, Duke if Bedford, Bowen, Lath from Lemlon for Madras ;old Bengal. • At St. Helena, Courier, from the Mauritius ; and Margaret, McCormack from the Cape. At the Cape, Easie, Batty, from Liverpool ; and Tartar, Trist, front London. At the : Mauritius, May 2sth, Elizabeth, Curiae, front Liverpool ; June 15th, Integrity ; 21st, ;Biphi lu stOlie, and at iranda ; aml 23rd, Cleveland ; all from London. At Bombay, May
• 14111, II. C. S. Herefordshire, Hope ; 10th, H. C. S. Buckinghamshire, Glasspoole ; 23th, Lady Feversham, Fllorby ; and Janet, Lothian ; 26t11, Runymetle, Wildridge • William Maitland. Jumeson ; and June 2d, II. C. S. Duke of Sussex, \Whitehead, all • from London : May 21st, Fortune., (lite isles, from Clyde • 28th, Hero, Fell ; and 29th, . ; from Liverpool. At Madras, May 14th, Morning Star, Barker ; • 1Gth Mary Ann, O'Brien; and General Palmer, Thomas, all from London. At Benito', . May 4th, Andromache, Laws, frum London ; and Laurel, Tait, from Clyde ; 91.11, ; Spartan, Lumsden, from Liverpool.
, Sailed. From Gravesend, Oct. Ill, Warrior, Stone, for Swan River ; Lord Amherst,
Thornhill, for Madras and Bengal ; Hebden, Fowler, for the Mauritius ; 11th, Protec- • tor, Thomas, for Swan River.
spoken. 11. C. s.. Farquharson, from London to Bengal and China, 15th May, 10 north, SG east. She had spoken the Company's sltips Duke of York and Hythe, also bound to Itemoxl and Mtn, on the 2311 April. Harriett, Mc Farlane, from Liverpool to • Bombay, 3d July, 32 south, 311 east. Columbia, Kirkwood, from Liverpool to Bengal, 23d August, I south, 20 west. Bengal, Merchant, loon Batavia to Cowes, 6th Septem- ber, 13 north, 24 west. Flora, from London to Ascension, 27th August, 12 north, 26 west.
Arrived. In the Downs, Oct. 16, Lady Rowenna, Russell, from New South Wales ; sailed from Launceston 18th May.
The Helnien, Laws, for the Mauritius, has put into Portsmouth with loss of cutwater and other damage, having been in contact with a timber vessel elf Beechy Head.