I'%itTBr;ttslImrs Dv;sor.vsn.—Dover, Norton, and Jonei.;, Great Winchester-street, sworn-brokers ; as fitr as regards Jones—T., R., W., and J., Ashby, Staines, bankers, as far as regards 11. Ashby—Gregson :nal St:inley, Manchester, contalission-agent Herrings, Brothers, Northwich, boarding-scheol-Iteepers—Day and Ce. Villier's-street- wharf, Strand, coal-merchants—Sides and Walthew, Liverpool, wine-merchants—Cm- dell old Co. Rishopsgate-street-without, woollen-drapers—J. anti J. It. Minot:au, Tot, tenhatn-court-road, tripe-dressers—Braun:IL and Gregory, Mauchester, calk:aqui iters-
ill and Daniel, :Manchester, auctioneers— Smith and Cotton' Leols, linen-drapers
— Dale and Docker, AVirksworth, mercers—Clements ;n al Price, Bristol, oii-merchzutt; — Rudd and Co. Devonport, :atomics, Wilcoson and Hewitt—Durant and Cs. Great Winchester-street, s .11111 Davis, Fox-Ordinary-court, atturnies—Hop. wood and Co. Burnley, Cotton-spinners—W. Bradley and Co. Grove, Great-li uildford- street, iron-founders.
XS 01.V ENT.—Ort. 12, C. BAR ILA NI, Mark-hale, tavern-keeper.
BA ,c 151$ U PTCI ES I:. NI.ARG El).—W. Pier cu I.:It a It I I:GE, API:Recital:el, linen-draper, from Oct. III to Oct. 20—J. PARNALL, jail., and W. l'AttNALL, Bristol, coppersmiths, treat Oct. 16 to Dec.4.
r Exeter, linen-draper. BANEL ; PT s.—;fn snrender at the Bankrn;Is' Court, Bosingluill-street.1—S, Ur Dons tint! G. G. WEitit, George-yard, Lombard-street, woollen-drapers, Oct. 20, 27, Bus'. 24 : solicitors, Carter and Gregory, Lord 'Mayor's Court-olliee—W. EcvEs, Cr:we- t:bun:It-street, ironmonger, ()et. 20, Nov. 3, 24 : solicitor, Mr. Hoppe, Sun-court, Corn- hill—S. II. CHAPMAN, Crawford-street, plumber, Oct. 20, Nov. 3, 24 1 solicitor, )1r. 1 Whiteley, Tokenhouse-yard.
BANK It U PT S .— [Ti surrender in the COnn try.] —W. WI 1. sixso C, 1Lue(15, floor-dealer, Oct. 20,21, Nov. 24 : solicitor, Mr. Ring, Bedford-place—W. SALM 0 N, Liverpool, vie • Waller, Nov. 2, 3, 24 : solicitors, Constalne and Kirk Syntcours-inti—AP. JE NS Abergaventiy, draper, Nov. 12, 13, 24: solicitors, MalAnseo and Sanders, Temple—G. Cu con,' Bristol, dyer, Oct. 30, :11, Nov. 24 : solicitors, Few and Hamilton, Henrietta- street—R. BAK E Birmingham, linen-draper, Oct. 23, 24, Nov. 24 : solicitor, Hr. Boer- (Elton, Bread-street.
DI vi DEN 111,,.—NOr. 3, MB, T.II11071-row, Little Tower-hill, corn-factor — Nov. 20, Holmes and Edwards, Derby, booksellers—Nov. 3, Jeans, Janies.street, Os ford-4reet, coach-ironmonger—Nov. 3, Botulism', South.row, New-road, St. Pancras, and High Hol- born, iron-fence-manufacturer—Nov. n, marriott, Broad-street, stock-Iwnker—Nev. Gunter, ilalesworth, Satbilk, carrier—Nov. 4, Badnall, jun. Spilsbury, mid Craso, Lek, Si lk-manufacturers — Nov. 4, I'. and S. 1'. Houghton, Skinner-street, leather-sellers — Nov. 4, B enattar, Howthrd-bnildings Fenclitireb.street, merchant—Nov. 3. Mayo, Cravan-baildi cgs, 1)rary- lane, woullen-Iraper—Nov.'. Hutchins, St. Jatnes's.street, ellina-warehomeinan—N,■ v. 1 0, Ledgard, Halifax, tnerclatat —Nov. 2, E. mid V. II. Rhodes, Sheffield, cutiers—Nov. 5, alorris, jun. 0fiud-street, and Chat:ell:lace, St. Marylebone, wine-merchant—Nov. 3, White, Commercial Sale-rooms, Mincing-tane, wine-broker—Nov. ft, Hurt, Kit ig-,treet, Cheapshie, furrier—Nov. .1, Parsons, Melkshma, rope-manufacturer—Nov. 5, Hills, Darby-street, Rosemary-lane, C01111110 u-brem..,r- Nov. 5, Metcalf, Thirst:, linest-draper — Nov. 5, Matthias, Evereit.street,
square, chemist—Nov. 5, Bryant, George-street, Hampstead-road, builder—Nov. lo, Humphreys, Bear-lane, Christchurch, thober-merchant—Nov. 10, Fentant, St. James's-
street, Westioinster, hotel-keeper—Nov. 6, Gootitly, Iligh-si reet, gr.,cer- Nov. ill, Taylor, Balhatn-hall, huilder—Nov. 0, frost, Abergavenny, hatter—Ner. 4, Evans, tineeleld, miller—Noy. 5, J. I J. \Whitehead, Liverpool, brovers—Nor.:, Humphreys, Birmingham,—Nov. 4, Winstaoley, Liveraed, bunt :old maker—Nov. 10, Devey, Tickell, and Saunders, Goidshill, Stad'orrishire, iron-ntatat- facturers—Nor. 6, Everett, New Broad-street, merchant—Nov. 4, Homer, Liverpool, merchant.
Ck: wet VI CATES to be granted, unless Clince he !thown to the contrary, on or be:fiat! Noe. 3.—Noel, Hatton-garden, monev-serivener—Anderson, Liverpool, merchant—Collins, Wi iney, Man Let- matiti fact twer—.M'Gregor, Liverpool, merchant—Cu:tee, Wigan, cotton- manufacturer—Bullard, Maidstone, chentist—Rowbotimm, lIooley-hill, Lancashire, hat-man tt theta rer.
Pri:bry, 00_16.
PARTNERS III PS DI Sc:In.vnt).—.1. and \‘'. Billings, Leicester aiel Iffelton-)1:nybrar, clothiers—Lamb and Rubinson, Nuttilmhatn, lace-manufacturers—Leadbuttter and Oates, Huddersfield, linen.drapers—J. aild 1'. Settle, and 00. shetlield, Taylor and Giraud, Lombard-street, eating-house-keepers—TrelIChard and Chaffer, Thorncombe, Devonshire, clothiers—Reynolds alai Bell, Deal, r,al.inereltants—Arin tage and Co. Penistone, lrorksbire, scribbling-millers—Rigby and Seddon, Balton, P11111 dle-makers—Berry, Pershore, and Pilcher, Furttival's-inu, proprietors of the .L:ritish Farmer's .3hrgazime—Healey and Co. Smallbridge, cotton-spinners—Hardie and Cu. Manchester and Oporto, merchants—Margeson, and 8. and J. Ainsworth, Preston, maltsters, tis far as regards S. Ainsworth—J. and I. I'. Harman, and Healey, Stock Ex- change—Rateliffe aud. Willett, Shelton, Staffordshire, earthenware-manufactitrom.
Issocv a NI'S —Oct. 15.—J. ST Olin E, Rye-hill, Northumberland, builder.—J. LI AMS, Manchester and C horlton-row, auctioneer.—Oct. 16.—W. 1'. BARNARD, Albi011.- Place, Walworth, victualler. BA vu to tees --[To surrender at the Bankrupts' Cour(,Basinghall-street.)—W. 1)Av Pit lieu, MiddICSeX, baker, ta surrender Oct. 27, 30, Nov. 27 : solicitor, Mr. Treliern, New-inn.—C. PERRY, Drury-lane, victualler, Oct. 27, :30, Nov. 27: solicitor, Mr Rey- nolds, Carmarthen-street.—E. Botolph-lane, wine-tnerehant, Oct. 2;:, 27, Nov. 27: solicitor, :Br. Thomas, Crane-court, Fleet-street.—C. RuniNsox, sem, New Brent ford. wharf, whartinger, 0(1.27, Nov. 3, 27 : solicitors, Drew, Bertnondsey-street. BANK It I; P T [To surrender in MC Coil ntry.]—F. DAFTE It, TWCrt0n, Somersetshire, brewer, Oct. 27, 28, Nov. 27. solicitor, Mr. Jones, Crosby-square.—E. Sol'Eal Bath, milliner, Oct. 27, 28, Nov. 27: solicitor, Mr. Jones, Crosby-square. 17, Dodgson, Leeds, victualler-Nov. 10, Simpson, Crown-court, Threadneedle-street, merchant-Nov.10, Lockwood, East Barnet, bookseller-Nov. 6. Crookenden and Spits- bury, Bermondsey, tanners-Nov. 6, Carrington, Ludgate-bill, linendraper-Nov. 6, Rick/Tian, Worcester-street, Southwark, brush-maker-Nov. 6, Humbert, Foley-street, coal.merchant-Nov. 17, Knights, Debenham, currier-Nov. 10, Swalwell, Kensington Grarekpits, schoolmistress-Nov. 13, Booth, Worksop, multster-Nov. 6, Noble, Nar row-tv011, Lambeth, merchant. CERTIFICATEs to be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Nor. 6.-1)a Costa, Liverpool, merchant-Neilson, Ashford, draper-Ledley, Clarendon- square, chemist-Leek, Gray's4nn-lane, wine-merchant-Davis, Charles-street, Soho- square, general-dealer-Roberts, Regent's-circus, coffee-house-keeper-Alexander, Man- chester, common-brewer.