Ox PO an. October 14.—In a convocation holden this day, the nomination of the Rev. W. Kay, M.A. Fellow of Lincoln College, to be a Public Examiner in Disciptinis Mathe- moticis et Physieis, was statutably approved. In a congregation holden at the saute time the Rev. E. Field, M.A. Michel Fellow of Queen's College, was nominated a Public Examiner in Disc. Math. et Phys.; and the Rev. J. Garbett, MA. Fellow of Bra- sennose College, was also nominated Public Examiner is Literis litnnaniOnihnn. In the same congregation, the Rev. C. Burton, Bachelor in Civil Law, of St. John's College, Cambridge, was incorporated of Magdalen Hall. October 15.—This day the following degrees were conferred—Doctors is Civil Lam—The Rev. L. Lewellin, Jesus College, Principal of St. David's College, Lam- peter, South Wales, and Prebendary of St. David's; the Rev.C. Burton, Magdalen Hall, Minister of All Saints, Charlton-row, Manchester. Muster of Arts—Rev. hi. H. G. Buckle, Fellow of Wadham ; W. Jacobson, Fellow of Exeter. Bacheoe of flrEL. Tomlingon, Wadham. CAstun.IDGE, October 16.—On Saturday, the 10th instant, being the first day of term, the following gentlemen were elected University officers for the year ensuing. Proctors —Rev. H. Kirby, 111.A. Clare Hall. Rev. E. J. Ash, M.A. Christ College.. ..inure— Rev. W. Hodgson, M.A. St. Peter's College. Rev. H. Howarth, M.A. St. John's College. Moderaturs—Rev. It. H. transom M.A. Coins College. .1. Kings Esq. MA. Queen's Col- lege. Seratators—Rev. NV. Okes, iI.A. Colas College, Rev. T. Musgrave, M.A. Trinity College.—On the same day, the following degrees were conferred. Bachelors of Arts --Rev. W. J. Aislabie, Trinity College. T. Boodle, Trinity College. B. T. Williams, Clare hall. W. Perkins, Pembroke College. A. Chapman, Queen's College. W. C. Holder, Emmanuel College, (Compounder). V. K. Child, Sidney College—On Monday last, the following gentlemen were appointed the Caput for the ensuing year. The Vice Chancellor. Rev. .f. Procter, D.D. Master of Catharine Hall—Dieigity. W. Frere, Esq. LL.D. Master of Downing College—Low. J. T. Woodhouse, M.D. Caius College—Phy- sic. Rev. T. Shelford, 11.1). (7orp us Christi College—Sea. Now Regent. Rev. J. Gibson, M.A. Sidney College—Sen. Regent-0o the same day, the Rev. IL Browue, of Corpus Christi College, was admitted Master of Arts.