The news from Mexico, by the last American arrivals, come
down tithe 15th August. The invading force had taken possession of the new town of Tampico ; and in doing so they drove a force of three hundred Mexican troops out at the point of the bayonet. There is no confirmation, in these accounts, of any of the Mexicans having joined the invading army, which was asserted in the letters from the Ha- vannah. BARRA.DAS has declared Tampico a free port for six months, dating from the 12th August. A second proclamation, exhorting the soldiers to courage and perseverance, opens with the ominous ad- mission that the expedition had begun its operations at a most un- favourable time of the year. A second expedition of four thousand men would, it is said, sail from the Havannah on the 10th instant.
The Colombian Gazette, dated Bogota, the 7th August, contains a toPy of an armistice agreed on at Guayaquil, on the 27th of June, between the Colombian and Peruvian forces in that neighbourhood. 1,,1va5 to continue until an answer touching the delivery of the fort 0J:Guayaquil had been received from the Commander-in-Chief of the '°1n Peruvian army, and was considered as preparatory to another armistice intended to least to a final termination of the quarrel blween the two countries. The armistice was proposed by the Li.berator himself. On the 6th of.Tane, LAMAR resigned the President- ,IhTand command of the Peruvian army ; he was immediately deported Central America. LAFUENTE assumed the executive power that %under the title of Supreme CM&
Letters from Valparaiso, dated June 26th, state that the elections in Chili had terminated by the appointment of Piro to the Pre- sidentship. It is said he means to declare Valparaiso a free port, to diminish the duties generally, and to abolish the transit duty alto- gether.