Cbr Court.
ON Sunday, the anniversary of the victory at Camperdown, the King and Queen, with a party, attended divine service at Greenwich Hos- pital. The Earls of Camperdown and Mayo, Sir Henry Duncan, Sir J. B. Peehell, Sir Charles Rowley, and several members of the Household, were among those who accompanied their Majesties. In the evening, the King bad a dinner-party, at which were present the Marquis and Marchioness of Conyngham, Lords Carnperdown, Howe, Errol, Denbigh, Dalmeny, Elphinstone, Captain Elliott, and Sir Henry Duncan. On Monday morning, their Majesties, with a party, visited Chelsea Hospital. In the afternoon, the King gave audiences to Lords Mel- bourne, Holland, Palmerston, and Glenelg; and in the evening again entertained company. On Tuesday, the King gave audiences to the Earl of Minto, Mr. Cutlar Fergusson, and Lord Fitzroy Somerset; and afterwards de- parted, with the Queen and the Dutchess of Saxe Weimar, for Wind- sor Castle. The Queen is expected to visit Oxford next week. An address from the residents at Ramsgate has been presented to the Dutchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria. The Priaceakhas been suffering from a cold, bat is now convalescent.