17 OCTOBER 1835, page 2

The Sales Of Public Property In Portugal Continue, And The

prices are generally very high-in some instances three times the amount of the valuations. Hitherto, however, the Government has not realized much cash from this source, owing......

The Assembly Of The States Of Denmark Is Now In

session at Copenhagen ; but a Royal decree has prohibited the publication of their debates. It is understood that the finances of the kingdom are in a most disgraceful plight,......

An Article In The Second Number Of The British And

Foreign Review has turned the attention of some of our contemporaries dominion, we have as yet scarcely felt any of its effects: indeed our exports to Germany were greater in......

The Native Indians Attacked The City Of Pam, In The

Brazils, on tho,14,th of August ; and, after a desultory warfare of nine days, gained entire possession of it. About half of the population, prin- • cipally women and children,......

The Prohibitive System Of France Is Undergoing Some...

The Mennenr contains a report of the Minister of Com- merce, and a Royal decree founded upon it, for the reduction of the duties on Cashmere shawls, indigo, salad-oil,......

Cbr Court.

ON Sunday, the anniversary of the victory at Camperdown, the King and Queen, with a party, attended divine service at Greenwich Hos- pital. The Earls of Camperdown and Mayo, Sir......

The Revenue.

Abstenotof the Net Producatof the Reveatie of fittatt4Britain, in the Years and Qu,uters endeil.10th Oot. 1884 and 10thradt.,14485; showing the Increase. or Decrease on each......

The Intelligence From Spain Is Very Scanty. General Alava...

.finally determined not to go to the War-office, but to return to his post as Ambassador to England. MENDIZABAL is the War Minister ad interim. GALIANO has been appointed a......