A VARIETY of publications are on our table, the result of a gradual in-dropping of several weeks, and verifying the common remark, how things accumulate I All of them, no doubt, are proper to be bought, and are therefore proper to be brought before the public ; but we may whisper to their worthy parents and sponsors, that our advertising columns is a more fitting place fo.. the an- nouncement of the birth of many of them, than even our brief chronicle of the news of literature. The impression of this truth has haunted us week after week ; till the mass of printed paper has become such as renders it indispensable to deal with it, or to drop it once for all. The latter goes somewhat against the grain, yet to dismiss the whole at once is impossible. Putting aside, therefore, for further examination, a batch of Medical Books, an- other of Annuals, and a few volumes of miscellaneous character, we proceed to note the scope and character of such as are ripe for udgment.