Several of the Aldermen belonging to the Gaol Committee met
on Saturday night, to investigate the circumstances respecting the escape of Mark Taylor from the Borough Compter, where he was confined on a charge of burglary. The prisoner was missing on Saturday morning, but how he made his escape is not known.
Mr. B. Burgess, a correspondent of the Times, says that reports are prevalent that the late Lincolnshire agent of Bridewell and Bethlehem Hospitals is a defaulter to a large amount ; refers to the flight and de- faleation of Mr. Hudson the treasurer; and complains that the Go- vernors of the institution are kept in the dark as to "these really atro- cious transactions."
At the Mansionbouse, on Monday, after a long investigation into the circumstances connected with the swindling transaction by which Bell and Co. of Belfast were defrauded of merchandise worth 4000/. or 5000/. the Lord Mayor issued his warrant for the apprehension of Hamilton, who had obtained the goods ; and he refused to deliver them up to Mr. Woolf, in whose possession they had been found by Mr. Bell.
The Parish.otfiears of St. Matthew's, Bethnal Green, have pub- lished a full description and offered rewards for the apprehension of no fewer than seventeen runaway husbands, who have left their wives and thirty-seven children to be wholly supported by that parish.