A Return of the number of Stamps issued by the Stamp-office for all the London Newspapers, from the 30th of June 1833 to the 1st of January 1834; specifying each Newspaper by name, and the number of Stamps issued in ' that period to the Printer and Publisher of each Newspaper ; also similar Returns from the 1st of January to the 30th of June 1634, 30th of June 1834 to the 1st of January 1835, and the 1st of January to the 30th of '" June 1835.
Number of
moth June
1088 to fat Jan. 11,34
NurnI■er of homed rots 1st January to 30th June HAM Number of
imSur frosm Stith June Its84 to lit Jan. MS
Number of issued let January to 80th Juno 1835.
Albion and Star 114,000 93.000 103.000 130.000 Age 308,000 194,000 291.750 275.000 Atlas 65,000 65.000 65.000 60.000 BeWs NVeekly Messenger 293,000 302.000 310,000 308,500 Bell's New Weekly Messenger 118.000 119.000 138.975 133,000 Bent's 1.iterary Advertiser 4,650 6,125 6,250 7,000 }British Liberator 2,390 - - - Courier 308,000 289,000 273,000 247.000 *County Chronicle ; *County Herald 68,500 65,000 65.000 65.000
• Com t Journal ; • N uval & Military Gas
68.750 65.093 57,543 57.460 Christian Advocate 32,700 32,864 45,050 47,100 CobbetCs Political Register ...... 31.350 28,500 27,894 28,250 Corn Thule Circular 1,000 1,000 - - Circular to Bankers .. 6,000 6,950 6,000 7.000 Course of the Exchange 3,120 1,860 60 110 fChampion -
f English Gentleman - - - 7.000 Examiner 98,590 93,284 83,575 91,300 }Eye 1.500 - _ _ }Financial and Commercial Record 1.920 1,920 Doubtful 1.968 Globe and Traveller 537,000 512.000 504,000 483.000 }General Advertiser for Town & Country - 42,000 73,000 56,000 Guardian and l'ublic Ledger 97.500 - - - John Bull 124,500 142,732 122,000 128,090 }King - 2,700 - - London Gazette 60,000 73,000 57,000 70,000 London Mercantile Journal 10.905 15.085 14,300 8;350 London Mercantile Prices Current 2,250 1.500 Doubtful 1,500 London New Prices Current 6,901 3,495 232 35 Literary Gazette 18,006 16,450 14.250 13,850
*Law Chronicle ; 'Law Gazette
3,150 3,275 3,375 2,800 }Librarian -
Doubtful - - Morning Advertiser 610,000 570,000 594,800 642,250
*Morning Chronicle ;'Observer ;*f Eng-
lishman ; 'Bell's Life in London ; '}Evening Chronicle 772,219 721,997 324,500 953,500 'Morning Chronicle - 15,000 -
'Morning Herald ; 'English Chronicle. 1,286,500 1,282,007 1,330,000 1,187.005 Morning Post 318.500 369.000 358,000 367,000 Morning News and Public Ledger - 88.500 66,000 -- *Mark Lane Express; *New Farmer's
Journal 31,970 32,550 32,900 33.600 Moore's Stock List 600 Doubtful Doubtful Doubtful }National -
- - Doubtful News 49,000 4.000 47,500 38 750 Nicholsotes Commercial Gazette 18,050 22,750 27.425 23.500 'Observer; 'Bell's Life in I.ondon . - - 519,000 452,125 'Old England ; • UnitedService Gazette; of Sorry Standard 39,000 48,300 59.500 107.000 Patriot 45,000 48,750 81.250 75,000 Perry's Bankrupt aod Insolvent Gazette 7,155 6,620 6,974 6,955 Public Ledger - - - 68,500 Record 121,000 135,100 127,000 128 000 Racing Calendar 13,925 9,800 15,200 10,775 *Standard ; °Si. James's Chronicle
*London Packet; 'London Weekly
Journal 727,000 705,500 751,868 865,000 Sun 289,000 287,000 293.000 395,000
*Sunday Times; *Essex and hens
Mercury 181,000 182,000 203,000 200,000 1 *Sunday Herald 80 United Kingdom.&e 27,000 70,682 59,025 44,775 ,
*Spectator; *f Municipal Corporation
Reformer 49.500 50,000 51.500 63,000 1 }Satirist 62,500 120.200 173.538 83,000 , +State 6,000 1.418 - - ,
*The Times; *Evening Mail
1,779.494 1.758,000 1,607,499 1,406,997 1 'True Sun ; 'Weekly True Sun 287,000 319,500 269,000 229,000 }Town 20,580 16,555 1,800 - United Kingdom . 64,000 - - - 1 Universal Corn Reporter 5,000 4,000 2,075 2,613 1 }Watchman - - - 70,000 Weekly Dispatch 740,642 670,158 764,000 815.000 fWeekly (New) Dispatch and •f British
Liberator 20,580 24,100 30,850 16,200 ,
NOTE.-The papers winked thus ("), and inserted together •n the foregoing return, being printed and published by the same persons, and in whose names the Stamps are taken out, the numbers supplied for each paper cannot be died nguished. The papers marked (t) are for broken periods, having been commenced, discontinued, and in some instances incorporated with other papers within the period for which this return is made out.
Newspapepoffice, Stamps and Taxes, August 29. CHARLES Ross, Registrar.