It is said that the Duke of Cleveland is to have the blue riband, vacant by the death of the Earl of Chatham.
There is no truth in a report that has been circulated, that Admiral Adam is about to retire from the Navy Board.
It was reported in the Times, two days ago, that General Evans bad been reinforced with some hundred Artillerymen by the connivance of* the Government. We have made inquiry as to the correctness of this statement, and find it to be totally destitute of foundation. The army of General Evans has received no reinforcement from the British forces.— Courier.
Lord Glenelg has appointed Mr. George Gow, schoolmaster, Fort William, to the important office of Secretary to the Governor of Sierra Leone. We are glad to find that the noble lord, in filling up his Colonial appointments, has looked for merit in the North, inde- pendently of rank or station. Mr. Gow, who is thus raised to an office said to be worth 10001. per annum, is a young man of high ta- lents and acquirements. —Inverness Courier.
Mr. Maule, the Treasury Solicitor, went to Ipswich on Wednesday, to take measures for the prosecution of the bribed voters for Kelly and Deludes in the election of last year.
The Postmastership of the little village of Tetaworth, in Oxford- shire, being vacant, a collar-maker was recently appointed to the im- portant office, (the emoluments of which are LW. a year,) on the recommendation of Mr. Stonor, formerly the Liberal Member for Oxford,—a Catholic, and, horrible to relate ! a friend of Mr. O'Con- nell. The Times sounded the tocsin of alarm, and professed to be quite dismayed at this proof of O'Connell's influence over the Govern- ment. The other Tory papers chimed in ; and no doubt, by this time, the whole body of Orangemen in Ireland are in a state of Pro- testant agitation at the dreadful intelligence. To such miserable shifts is the great Tory party reduced, in order to make out a case against the Liberal Gorernment !