Dr. Nrcor.r., Principal of the United College of St. Salvador
and St. Leonard, in the University of Andrew's, died on Thursday week. About eight years ago, he was seized with apoplexy while speaking in the General Assembly, and has since been in a state of bodily decrepi- tude, though his intellect remained unimpaired. Dr. GILLESPIE, Professor of Humanity in the University, is men- tioned as likely to succeed Dr.Nicom.. And there is no person whom we should prefer seeing in the Principal's chair ; for Dr. GILLESPIE possesses learning and genius, is a sound Liberal, and an amiable man, — besides being Sir Jons: CAMPBELL'S brother-in-law, which is no trifling advantage, we suspect. But at the same time, we agree with the Glasgow Aryus, that Government ought to take the opportunity of doing something in the way of University Reform, and not fill up an office which is palpably a sinecure. If one Principal is sufficient in Glasgow and Edinburgh, there is surely no need for two at St. Andrew's.