17 OCTOBER 1835, Page 9
Arrived—At Gravesend, Oct. 16th. Ann.111•Alpin. from Van Diemeu's Land.
Sailed—From Gravesend, Oct. 10th, J. Pattison, Cromartie, front New South W-ales ; 11th. Chili, Nixon, for Van Diemen's Laud; 12th, Iliudostan, Redman. for Bengal ; and Platina, Parker, for New South-Wales; 13111, Itencoolen, Crofton, for Van Die- men's Land ; Eleanor, Lyons. for the Cape; and Antelope. Adams, for St. Helena; 15th, Mier. Henderson, for the Cape ; and Thomas Laurie, Ford, for Vao Diemen's Land; and 161h. Argyle. M'Donald, Mr Bengal. From Liverpool, 7th, Kersewell, Has- well, for the Cape; aid 8th, Stirlingshire, Scotty, for Bengal.