There ese et • e• • e•eo fluctuation during the week in the Money- market ; '• to establish a notch higher price at the close than had cc lagsonic tarts of it. The variations have been chiefly govec. 11,)! duct antiona ot the Paris Funds, and the pigeon-ex-
presses have 1.a c kwith their usual activity : the tendency to improve-
ment has iced I the state of money, and the fear that the Bank would adopt a cc uric to inerease the difficulty of obtaining discounts. We stated in one L eport that it was confidently believed that the Bank Di- rectors, hist, • 1 et' cling the rate of discount, would content themselves with limiting the •ie • lee ef their (..acommodation. This opinion turns out to have been well.foe:.:.; ; ter at the usual weekly meeting of the Directors, held yesterday, it tomiked that no lull should be discounted having a longer period to ten t! ...n sixty-five days. It has been heretofore the practice to dis- count bills having ninety days to run ; and this limitation will affect a very large class of the tirst-rate commercial bills and drive the holders of them to seet el- etilets in ether quarters. This precaution shows that the state of the u. cv is beg:in:mg to give uneasiness to the Bank ; and though tie et eel lie little doubt as to the prudence of the step, by which tee le ••e• otenin a nod,- control over their funds, it is very question-. '•: or (limit been goh, bullion, :h.. I drawn up. ,•r traffic; of the first h sented fir..1.••
it broker z that the r..!.
federate!. • log, to ee moieties.. I. a furtlor :• largele , upen th• sem:enc. Dividenh- more al,cc
It will I . • ciency
resumcd. "
- IV,
and 1,1 • •. 1840, I.% • Noti,c the St:. and C., ..n., '11... I a, e }peen in demar,. iii r.,.r,-efiiletiee TA the activitt . , i ,: 1. Ty, o•atal.a-1:-.1.: :, r ('Oct. Ihnills have hcen L711, : ,,1 i it cert. B —1..o :‘;‘,(21: I,m )1150 been in (I. ; • c. I- have ! ..... i . 1_,,t to intake t ,t hey vier: fr. • . l'ert.lzuese Be.. 1.1.a. • :.ot heen much af- fected ; a a Spanirli Actit e; v. 1,i,:t 1.a4 i ref, 1,01; II dere, .A. . has improved to.tia, (tog has Men 4% high as 22, I ,t.t..itiuti to the pr,,p, I, 1 of o rie ,,,,•ili;kt }KAU (.:1,f.' , held out ii,:, li, . ,t a(1,11., - 1.14.1s1 dd.: Poole, -'.' . ..f the great lett , • tin capitaliets linos begun tc . try, with a view t,, the arrangement of the fir.' r. .1; i 'el (ireiermnelit. We, however, believe that no • i.- c,„ .1 , ,,y which the great requisite, a large sum of ready rot , ::;,e;; at,: should very much doubt the truth of this
The of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of Englam. f. compared with the one last put forth, there it nil the effect anticipated, and put a stop to
set te the exportation of bullion, which has lately
It their anxiety to check this importation of ta base resolved to throw out all till is either t who is known to Le concerned in this -1,y last, bills to a Inrg: animal, a several so concerned, were rtketerl when pre- , hcumstance became known on the Smell Ifcct upon prices ; particularly as the Henk- e .1: of Stock; find it was imtnediatc1:: reported a raised, and the i,sue of bank-notes con- !lied again in the course of yesterday morn. '• sue of the Bank-notice of yesterday. 11:3 • ::0111. of M. Tillt:Rs's second note has caused .;11 the Jew party have teen selling very . and closes (.t an advance of I percent. Exclugm-r Bills l•ate iraprived, ill ccii-
1110I/Q OCC■ISION ea by I he isue of the • 1(.: money may be g,:net ally stated as In tint
,..• :mtice, that i:: rittenee of the deli- . tor the See:lite-nom e meet he yet
• ! • Ow C.111.
ill tr.. a:,e• , th • .1.
the 1•1,:ted t .1, :eel ii C... Near 5 t: I. ; Cl11111/10 100 1- I :!: • rt.,.
I• if: I. el 0.: c,.. I is a decrease in the Circulation to the extent of 32,000/, and in the amount of Bullion to the extent of 308,000t, while the Deposits have increased to the ex- tent of 87,000/., and the Securities have been augmented by 329,000/. The transactions of the morning in the Stock Exchange have not been very im- portant ; the opening price of Consols for Money was 87, while that tbr Account was 871: since that, the quotation has fallen to 864 for Money owl 87 for Ac- count, but have again improved without ally important operations, and are now 87 to e for Money and 87e, buyers, for Account. Exc. equer Bills are the seine, viz. 2s. to 4s. premium. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Twmand-a-half per Cents. are about )1, per cent. lower than yesterday; Portuguese Five per Cents. and Three per Cents, at nearly the same depreciation. Spanish Active was lower at the opening, and has been done at 211; but tuts since improved, and is now 22 to e. The tusiness tramacted has, however, been but tii41E 9n6g. .
.! or Ceti:. Cn
.--1s . 571- : Belcian 5 per Cents. r
tli ,.; 1 ( olumbian b per Cents 223 4
It tit,, ha. A cet,.:1,t :, .,.t Cont. lie,loced 55i- c Danish 3 per l7ents 72 4
per t 'eat. Ditto 1151 3 1 Poch 24 per Cents 494 1
N,•w :s1 per Cents 99,1 + Mexican 5 per Cents. Comet. 2it 27 — ! Portuguese 8 per Cts .. :2018 :10 i 1.,, Sc, e'i.
r. xele.tpyr Nils ... . 2 4 08 ' Ditto 3 per CoLt; 21 + 70 locii•t ',1, 4.,: -- 1 Hessian 5 per Cents II. ,.,i1t4t, .., eel cents 73 5 : Spanish (Active) 22 1.-