17 OCTOBER 1840, page 15

British Association Address Of The S Ec Retaries.

We have before us the Address of the General Secretaries of' the British Association, Mr. MumonsoN and Major Ssnixs, recapitus lating to the members, recently assembled at......

Cacti In A Series, Which Are Not Itppliceble To Any

general result death. No other period of similar duration in the annals of until they shall have been accumulated in considerable numbers, that country, blood-stained as they......

His Lordship Might Redly, With The Irishman Who Was Told

he was with serion.; remonstrances. Be they Whig, Tory, or ii it it is all the s:tute to hint: " Tros Tyruisque niihi nullo discrimine agetur," thinks the rollieking Prelllier.......

Lbstorty, The Nydinstie Works Of Wycherley, Congreve,...

with Itio..Tnphical Notices by Leigh Ho........