His Lordship might redly, with the Irishman who was told
he was with serion.; remonstrances. Be they Whig, Tory, or ii it it is all the s:tute to hint: " Tros Tyruisque niihi nullo discrimine
agetur," thinks the rollieking Prelllier. \ \IBM a frightened Tory , ,, 11.01U \V al ;Iii. Waited upon Leal Th.:hoot-use at the first outburst Manche:4,T. tlio ilk \wend Dr. Too MS4 /N Of Coldstream !ea e all of the conspiracy were DaliNI.EY !1.!'' ,- aeeCalla of,. im,EViCIV With Lord Mcsnounso rehitive to tile free , ,
printing of the oh ii in Scotland, which is so clumicteristie of his
degageT 111M II it.T that we nes:t he permitted to quote it-
e awes ma. seer Oils, dive had an intoe:,,v will, Lim': :\1,11Inurne. Its .
met thew i.:: : :se franku,,,,. and s:yipv 1 to 1.0 in what the seotelt termed : 41111,ise in deo swefiela st I.: h: ‘,11:.': II.' ,0,1110d 'At muelt ioelined from the ( thsi. ssst It ,,,,...i soles ism- mme ees;.s. eche,: sheet dime :that did not eon- „ cern them: ai1,1 ::.:id th,• ..r,t :old ..,I.,,rati,1 .1u.13 never extentled to scot- 1,u),I. , Bui, ,,,y Liini,' W.3.: II 1-Ci•1.V. 6 11.,' :',..!eit are rather of migratory the Parliann nt to lie carried into habit. arA tl,v ,omo of them e.,v; lo l'.,::m.h at times; and if they applied to Go \ orto,f. I!, y could hot t the m,,; c,mtu,nmtiltle Olio,: till !tics' had rvnottnc,d 11,0 1-011 :11111 Of 111l'il' 0,111t11'\ : ' N% ell: said his Lordship, • wliat is It you e.'.11.: :-' • V( e wkli loin. Lidasidp to ret.cr It, 11t,' gAit'lltellt y011 111alle ill I110 -1 is '5C 1141: 1551101' 11011 1.11 1110 0UI.50e1 It 1110 S00111,11 11:1110 11101101,01s,9 Wa'■ Its ;•1:-11 t l'. 1:111 hit Lordship actually could 1:,,t ricothmt what he had zinhl ; :Ina :hey u,'re oldlged to tidi Ida: ,lio he had stated were to Ile at the head 01.1!io itoar,i ill SIII.:1110L'Ild ilk' pri1it111:, it 1110 .1;1!.1t.S. The fact is, he had been told 11y III Iler, is hut it) ,;l.s, sod the prop:defy or impropriety of it had never trouitkul him for a moment, lint when the bertation came to men- tion the mime,: to him, at Cie head of whom were the Lord Advocdte and the Solicitor-4i( nerd, he inosv,1 for a tuottient—' The Lora Advocate!' said he : ' mdiv, Vollat II !il'■111;.0 I hing they have done, to inalid the Lora advocate and the :;i0lieitdr-tivinds1 the superintendents of the printing of Ilildes; what (10 they know ;thnot the !lilac?' - lint pvoide do not !do., to he iaughea :it NORM they are remon- strating :Wont grievanees, which, w holler Lord Mtasiotatxt: care for them or not, sorely annoy them. They begin to think, that although the old thshion of keeping boll, a l'rinte Minister and a ('Unit Jester might he expensive, and although economy is a good tiling, yet some !letter method of .econoinizing- might have been found out thou combinilig these two whey heterogeneous offices in the Sallie pCrS01i.