The Levant mail, received ey express. hrle;:s le:tetS .... Alexan-
dria to the 27th of last month. Tit, 4. .
Austria. and Prussi.n left af.e7 i.:11'.:11.....- nication had been received teem C.eed.e .
slam]. of :Mehemet Ali. The C01. ,C, is .2.: Aesendn steamer_ which had brouelit the L .• „: ad..
merchants '.5 -re in a state of • ••-stranel Hokin; on the suddeeess::
given them any notieo. lln iteloree•.1 •".o.
I'.': and that he coal,: ent ellon ;he ••••••••. ' e to be represented other's :se than b‘ the
• were by no means satisfied that the Dutch Consul would be able to protect their property or persons ; and many of them had taken refuge on board the English ships.
The Pasha had declared, that notwithstanding the departure of the consuls and the decree of deposition, he would not stop the Indian mails. 4-le had given the officers of the Turkish fleet permission to leave Egypt: many of them had consequently gone on board the Asia. 't he British naval force under Admiral Stopford now consists of thirteen line-of-battle ships, six frigates, two steam-frigates, besides numerous smaller ships of war, and nine steam vessels. Letters from Constantinople, of the 27th September, state that the ' news of the successful attack on Beyrout was received there Vit11 uni-
versal rejoivings. Three thousand additional troops were immediately qrdered to be despatched to the theatre of war.