Tins Festival terminate I too lato last week for us to am..onnee the re- sult ; which t is thus stated io the 'riffles- •• The HIM Festival terminated on Friday. It has been a coenpiet.. I The eharit,:.• will get nothing. totl V ds expected that thee: will ho, a call o• 20 ia,r s,ent, upon the guaranteed fund. Miss Hawes sang gratuitous1;, liiCimselnoice of whieb, the Committee presented that lady with it elleck fav 25/. to pay her expenses, which she immediately remitted for the betwal; of the Infirmary."
This is A severe hut a salutary h.sson to the managers id Festivals : and it is also a satisfactory indication of the progress of untiect t,,te among. the piddle. The days of musical lumilm, we woatil fain hope, arc ictssing away, aml a brighter prospect ror the art will consopiently dawn. The public evincool their estimation of it by sta. Mg away front the I hill Festival, and refusing to patronize or even witness the havoc and devaslation which i;,:tiorance and quackery were connuitlim.r, In- cise arc‘ we to account for a failure so complete, so disgraccfal: We trust from recent experience, (and the experience of souna •■ ears has been tendiug the attune way,) that the vocation of si to. (P-v. , ss is gone. So be it.