17 OCTOBER 1840, Page 3

The The Gazette of Tuesday contains an order in Council

establishing one Police Court at Greenwich and another at Woolwich, under the recent act. The attune Magistrates are to preside at both on alternate days. The Gazette contains also an order constituting a large number of parishes and precincts in Middlesex, Sorry, Kent, Essex, and Hert- ford, a part of the Metropolitan Police district. The whole of the places enumerated are within fifteen miles of Charing Cross, in a straight line, as required by the Act.

Notice was given on Monday to the Chelsea pensioners who received their quarterly allowance at the Excise Office, Woolwich, that they nmst again attend on the 15th of next month, when such men as are found able to do duty will be embodied for home service in her Majesty's garrisons and forts throughout the kingdom.

One of the head porters on the Eastern Counties Railway was oa Tuesday charged, at Worship Street Police Court, with being drunk and having ails:conducted himself on the railway. On Sunday evening, he went for the first time as assietant guard of the seven o'clock train to Brentwaod ; and when he returned on Monday morning, he was so drunk that he fell back after got ing off the train. The man stated in his defence, that he had taken a glass of rum and water at Brentwood, and was quite sober when he started with the train, but the excitement produced by being " whirled " through the air ss rapidly had made him intoxicated ; that it was the air, and not the ram, in short, that had made him drunk. Out of consideration for his fatally, he was only fined 10s. The charge was preferrsd tinder the recent General Railway Act, which came into operation last Saturday.