Vic Vrobinccs.
It is currently reported, and we have little doubt, that the Earl of Thanet will succeed to the Lord-Lieetenancy of the county of Kent ; an appointment that will give the greatest satisfaction to the supporters of the present Government. The names of Earls Cowper and Radnor have also been mentioned—Kent Herald.
Mr. A. R. Dottin. the Tory Member for Southampton, has announced his intention to retire from its representation. Mr. Charles Cecil Martyn, who was defeated last election, and the Honourable Mr. Bruce, are to be the new Tory candidates whenever an election takes place.
The two new Tory candidates for Herefordshire, Joseph Bailey junior, and Mynors Baskervil le, Esqs., have been actively engaged during the week in canvassing that county.—Gleueester Aland.
A rumour is prevalent that the Tories of the Northern Division of Northamptonshire are so dissatisfied with the public conduct of their representative, Lord Maidstone, that they have not only refused to put him in nomination at the next election, but have decided on the ne- cessity of diepensing. for this year, with the Tory dinner, towards which three parts of the clergy in the division are loaking forward with hungry expectation for three parts of the year. There is no doubt of Lord Milton's return in the Liberal interest, if his Lordship will allow himself to be pat in nommalion.—Globe.
On Monday last. Mr. W. B. Wriahtson, M.P., arrived at North- allerton : and in a short time afterwards, accompanied by Captain Pierse, Mr. Hamiltoe, and two attorh;es, commenced waiting upon the electors of that borough resident in the town.—Leeds intelligencer.
The Registrations for many of the boroughs in England have been completed. Tile results are .artously given. The following state- ments art? collected from different papers : bust such accounts cannot be much depended on, as in several places both parties claim the victory. The Lil,erals claim to have gained in the followints places: Devonport 49, Hereford S, Halifax 26, Weymouth 4o. Whitby 24, Salford 172,
Gloucester Cha'ham 13. The Conservatives toast of the following gains: Walliagford 12, Ashton 10, Stoekport 71, Taunton 5, Bradford 21, Cauterbury 24, Reading 65.
The Barristers who last week held their Registration Courts at Maldon, decided that the distaoce of the reel lenee of the party claiming to vote for that boroughs shall be measured in a straight line ; thus re- versing the decision given last year. This admits about sixty Con. servative voters, whose residences are within seven statute miles of the polling-place, if measured as the crow flies.—Esses• ii mid.
Owing to the inonber of objeetions to the 11,1111eS Of voters on the burgess-roll of the borough of Liverpool. amounting to many thousands, thy. Mayor and .1 •sessors, alt v'' sitting the fifteen days preseribed by the :Nfunieipal Corporations Act. could 11M COMPlele 111t, revision of the lists for tlte present The conse,i...::we is. that the proceedings of the Court are null and void, and that the eleetion of Town-Couneillors, on the 2! of November next, will take plaee on tL. list of last year.