For the deficiency in the Customs nti.1 tbe papers account
thus : we quote the:I/of:nine enee.. " The deficioncy, however, is nominal c.. i I. • front the
difference in the commencement of th:. .1'::cise in the quarters ending 11.Ith Ortulier 18:19 ' ..,..nces on the 5th July ; and in 1839, the 511t
commenced their rounds on the 15th, h.:L.: ;E;Ntcliisies year the 5th July happened on Sunday. • cemaience their rounds till the L.Oth, being the ';iere are
two rounds in each quarter which mac t . Excise re-
mittances from the country are . rayable at different dates, but they are not earlil'.1 1 . and in cash. There are now in the Excise, :11 be at maturity) hulls to a very notch larger s -r :. n nt- , ' icy in the Excise revenue -tile Glaw s:t■ Pr ," and 500,000/.1, ant: which. but for th... :ions of the correspondio; qult•ters of' 18:19 of the stated, as they are of t!:e receiit,. • .. ::;sider- able increase upon tile Excise both fur tiff Octo- ber 10th, 1840."
The Lords of the Treasury have
hop-growers to eosti: one the paynwet ecomes
due the 15th of November next, fer :Ir. In the Treasury minute, dated thee': w7 is expressed, their Lordships observe-- The ef ',eel and 1537 has e only led to expectation and ;leen. etioes. nclithis is not
fixed after much enesideration and ssith rare,-• I
the first, for further pestpenemeet. The tiaw meies ; ...el: hes been and that arreneement must be cons:L.:el • to further and. temporary alteratiors."
Last week. the new Eastern Zeeleni,:e: :nay tIle•ieuni
:r.:d the
:a7 birds. ...a each; - panes "a acrt sotoa me \ Vest of
st of the
sync opeued partially to the public : and we. n dii,.ts adjoining one opt-nee, this establishment V it v'-,':'.:. is. • zooloeicel collection in Europe. Ti:o ,s.
gallineccems, and wading birds etel •.•tece I' are erraneed so that there is 'inn: • which ,!_Livcs. It zond eirect in reliefl fired feet I:mg, is fitted up wite 1,7-• of plate-glass—is one ce' the most zoologieal collection. The collect:, ,„
birds from Russia, which have reo,o7 : Europe.