Viscount Ebrington arrived in London ou Friday, front Ireland.
The Queen has been graciously pleased to order a writ to be issued under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain null Ire- land, for summoning 'Miles Thomas Stapleton, of' Carlton, in the county of York, Esq., to the House of Peers, by the name, style, and title of Baron Beaumont, he being one of the coheirs of Joan Lovel Lady Stapleton, eldest daughter of Joan, sister Of William Viscount and Baron Beaumont, in whom the barony of Beaumont was vested by descent from the father, John Baron Beaumont. who sat in Parliament io the reign of King Henry \'t.—London Ga:ctte, Oct. 10.
The death of the Marquis Camden, on the evening of the 8th, at his seat, the Wilderness, in Kent, was announeed in last week's Postseript. The 3Iarquis had been ailing for smite time past, nod on Wednesdav was seized with a fit, front which he did not reeover. Ile w-ns totally insensible at the time of his death. Ile was born on the Iltli February 1759, and was consequeutly in his vie:ley-first year. He is succeeded by his son, the Earl of Breektewk. Tile late Marquis hel:1 the lucrative office of' Receiver of' the Exchequer, the proceeds of' whieh he munifieently paid into the Treasnry to the Gov ermueto account. The Marquis was a Striet Con:ZerVatiVe in polities, and front 1782 until 1807 filled several high oilices in the Government. Ile was Lord President of the Couneil in the years 1782, 17:, 1, 1796. 1SO:i. and 1807, and was Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland from the year 1700 to 1708, at the time when the R....hellion was raging. Subseqeentlee his Lordship was Secreoiry for till' Cl14,11.1eS in 180 I. and laird Privy Seal from 1784 to 1794, and again in I son. With the 0:zeoption at the Earl of West- morland, the deceased Marfelis was the oldest K mi lit of the oiler. In 1834, he wes eloceel Chancellor of the Universi; y of Cambridee, having succeeded the Duke of t;loneester ; and for some years Was Master of' the Trinity llouse, whieh distinguished post he resieued to his friend the Duke of Wellington.
The Duke, of Northumberland aspires to the honour of the vacant Chaneellorship of the University of Cambridge, It is understood then iii the event of the Duke a Northumberland succeeding to tlw Chenvellorshie of' the University of Cambridge, Lord 1.yndlnirst Will be a eathlidate for the office of High Stem at-d, which Isould iii consequeuce become mane—Morning l'o$t.
The will of the Right Honourable Charles George, Baron Arden, of Arden, deceased, has just been proved in the Prerogative Court by the Right Honourable Margarette Elizabeth Dowager Baroness Arden, the relict of the deceased, and the Right Honourable George James, Baron Arden, (now Lord Arden,) heretofore James Perceval, the executors. The personal pronerty alone has been sworn under the value of 800,000/. The stamp or probate-duty was 10,5001.; independent of the legacy-duty, which will amount to 70,000/. or 80.000/. more. The whole of his pro- perty, with the exception of a few trifling legacies to servants, has been bequeathed to his widow and children. The deeeesed Baron lived to attain the great age of' eighty-four years. He was brother of the late Mr. Perceval, The Registership of the High Court of Admiralty be- came vacant when his Loretship was an infent of souls for months old ;
and it was actually given to, and retained fer him, until Ile capable of officiating, this office being perfornied by deputy. I:, t:•:, of war the emoluments arising from his situation amounted to hetweee 2o,000/. and 30,000/. a year. He held the same for upwards of eieley years. He was appointed Master of the Mint in 1S01, and a Lord of the Bed- chamber to George the Third, in 1804.—The
Major-General Sir Gregory Wrey, end Meior-Geeer.,1 Effingham Lindsay, lut-e been added to the list of General °nicer.a calving pen- shins fbr good services.
Major-General Sir George Arthur, Captain Halkett, of the Coldstream Guards, and Lieutenant Domville, of the Fifteenth Licht lefentry, on the stall' in Upper Canada, have been re?ftlied by the C menender-in- Chief from that duty, as die establishment is not to be kei t up.