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Newcastle and Birmingham, are at present in Paris for the purpose of representing the sentiments of those towns against the alliance with Russia. The Deputation had an interview with M. Odillon Barrott, at which Lord Palmerston and the Emperor of Russia were brought over the coals. It is proposed that when " the whole of the Delegation" arrive in Paris, a grand public dinner should be given to them.
Serious disorders have occurred in the province of La Vendee, famous for its rebellious propensities. Since the promulgation of the amnesty, a number of Legitimists had returned to the country ; from which period unusual activity had beets observed among the leaders of that party. Prayers ceased to be offered in several country-churches for Louis Phi- lippe. Letters front May of the 5th instant state that there were upwards of sixty Chouans, some of them well-armed, in the district of Beau- preen. Forty more had been met in the forest of Jttigne, near Niort.
On Tuesday afternoon, Prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was re- moved from the Luxembourg, in charge of Lieutenant-Colonel Larde- nOls, of the Municipal, and an assistant ; and he was conveyed in a travelling-carriage to the fortress of Ham ; which he reached on the 7th instant. The garrison of the fortress has been increased to four hun- dred men. On Wednesday, the other prisoners were removed from the Luxembourg to the Conciergerie.
Dr. Conneau, physician to Prince Louis Napoleon, has obtained leave to be imprisoned with the Prince in the Chateau of Ham.
The Bank of France has just published the following account of its situation for the quarter ending on the 30th of September last. On the 30th of June. the Treasury had in the Bank 163,342,164 francs. On the 30th of September, the specie in the Bank amounted to 255,426,087 francs: commercial bills, to 157,500,418 francs ; bills arising from loans on gold bars, to 28,636,200 francs ; ditto on public bonds, to 9,117,416 francs. On the other hand, the notes in circulation formed a sum of 2:17,27S,000 francs ; notes to order, to 1,172,603 francs ; bills at Sight, to 8,534,000 francs ; the credits of open accounts, to 87,3S5,956 francs ; and the credit of the public treasury, to 125,358,477 francs. The sums advanced to the branch banks in the department for capital and open accounts, amounted to 20,462,458 frares. During the quarter just ex- pired, the Bank discounted commercial bills to the amount of 232,074,900 francs ; lent on gold bars and specie 62,294,700 francs, on public bonds 28,780,090 francs, and on bonds from the 31int 8,056,600 francs.
The Mondeur announces that the vintage is terminated in almost the entire of Upeer Burguiely, in the environs of Macon, of Villefranche, and Beaujean. In Lower Burgundy and Anjou, and on the banks of the Cher and the Loire, it is not yet finished. Almost everywhere the quality is excellent ; and the general opinion is, that the vintage of 1840 will be equal to that of 1834, the produce of which year was remarkable for maturity, body, and fineness ot' quality. The district of Champagne promises also wines of a remarkably flue quality ; though in eminent, Lemenil, Epernay, St. Martin, &c., the vintage took place under heavy and continued rains. Before the commencement of this rain, however, the grapes were perfectly ripe. The Bordelais district, although much injured by hail-storms, promises plenty of fine soft juicy wines, with a charming nosegay, from the. street vineyards of Medoc and Grave. The wines of 1.38 begin to 1,come rare in Paris ; but the ft uits of this season's vintage begin to arrive. Already some boats laden with Bur- gundy wines have reached Bercy. The quality is excellent. The Obserratcur or2 l'Ai,ne mentions that some curious experiments had been lately made at the Artillery College of La Fore. "It is well known that it was an English General named Congreve who invented those rockets which are called by his name, and which are used as an offensive arm against troops in the field as well as to set fire to build- ings. In the year 1..27, the French Government employed an English- man named Bedford, who had worked with General Congreve, and under his dire2tion the Polytechnic School at Metz succeeded not only in making the roskets equal to the English, but even superior. Some time since, another Englishman proposed to sell the secret of making those rockets to the French Government ; and Marshal Soult ordered that experiment should be made at La Fore to compare the system fol- lowed by the French artillery and that proposed by the Englishman. These experiments have just been made ; and, although the English carriages were menu:livered by men who had practised at Leipsic and 'Waterloo, whilst the French Artillery had only served at the siege of Antwerp, the result of the experiments was quite in favour of the French st stern. It was obs.erved that the French rockets carried further, and in a more direct line ; and that the rebounds were snore numerous, and, in the engineer's 1:nguage, more shaving. There were likewise two incendiary rockets ignited on the ground; and the French rocket was found to burn with more intensity, and to continue longer."
The Coert of Cessation rejected the appeal of Elizabide against his condemnation for the murder of Madame Anizat and her two children.
At the execution of a man at Coutances, a Short time since, a young man who made his appearance for the first time on the seaffeld as as sistant executioner, fainted on seeing the blood spout frank the Deck of the criminal. When restored to animation, he was Paled to have lost his reason ; and has ever since been confined in a inadientse, where lir, hopes of his recovery are entertained.—Galiyeaai's