By advices from Lisbon to the 5th instant, we learn
that the Queen. of Portugal was brought to bed on the 3d, of a female infant, who pe- rished immediately after its birth ; but not too soon to receive baptism. The Queen suffered severely, and was at one time in danger.
The debates in Cortes during the week had turned much upon the claims of' English persons who had served Portugal during the war. Several committees were appointed, and several reports were made, in which the claims were handled somewhat roughly ; but they were treated with still more hostility in debate. Viscount Sc uttered the extraor- dinary remark, that the Portuguese Government would have as much right to claim indemnity for any Portuguese subject sentenced to prison for joining in the Chartist riots in England, as the British Government had to clam indemnity for Sir J. M. Doyle, on account of his sufferings in the attempt to overthrow the usurping Government of' Miguel! One of the committees drew up a " protest" against the British claims. This was afterwards softened into a "declaration of opinion" on the claims, the details of which were still under discussion.
The districts of Algurve and part of the province of Beja are said to be infested with Miguelite guerillas who render safe travelling impos• bible, even though there be thirty or more travellers in company.