There is nothing of novelty in the accounts from Ireland
received this morning. The increasing impatience at the official Government delartita
applying the acts for the employment of the people is beginning to find a curious mode of expression, of which we give specimens- " Of two evils we would choose the least; and by all means give us Sir Robert Peel, a statesman of courage and action, a statesman who knows how to take the nation out of its present difficulties. • 4 • Such tinkering as this was not known in Sir Robert Peel's days; it was reserved for Lord John Russell and his copartners."—Castiebar Telegraph. I hope you will express through your journal, that Lord John Russell is unfit for the present emergency, and that Sir Robert Peel should be again restored to
porr."—Correspondent of the Cork Examiner. It would be a blessing to the nation if Sir Robert Peel were at the helm to guide the vessel of state through the difficulties and dangers that surround us. In making this declaration, we but mirror the opinions of the great majority of the population."—Limerick Examiner.