Although The Revenue Accounts For The Year And Quarter Do
not exhibit a very large nett increase, the aspect of the tables indi- cates a healthy state of the revenue and a prosperous state of the country. To begin with the quarter.......
Switzerland Is Again The Theatre Of Civil War, And Eaeyolit-
tionary government is enthroned at Geneva. The immediate- question at issue was the right of Lucerne and six other Cantons to form a league for the purpose of defendino- e'......
The Two Spanish Marriages Have Been Solemnized ; Spain Has
looked on in silence ; the journalists that threatened to prevent the match, driven from any tenable position in the present, rush into impressive vaticinations for the future ;......
The Members Of The German Zollverein Are Suspending Their...
'without any very satisfactory results in the way of im- ports. That is in part, no doubt, the effect of the „0-eneral scarcity ; in part it is the consequence of restrictions......
Austria Threatens Her Polish Province With Two Formidable...
and a loan. The Imperial Government has not yet been able to quell the disorders which it evoked for the further crushing of the Polish race; it is obli g ed to recur to......
A Report Was Circulated In London Early In The Week,
with os- tentatious display as if it were genuine intelligence, that Mexico had purchased peace from the United States by the cession of California ; and there - was a burst of......
News Of The Week.
• IRELAND wears a quieter aspect this week. The public works and other kinds of employment are comin g into operation ; and the effect in tranquillizing the general fe eling of......