Tuesday, Oct. 18.
Atkins and Blackwell, Warwick, ear-proprietors-Outram and Co. Halifax, grocers- Austwick and Clayton, Bradford, Yorkshire, lanendrapers-Hustiers and Beebolun. Bradford, Yorkshire, wool-merchants ; an far as regards 13. Seebohm-Hipkiss and MM- kiss, Westbromwich, Staffordshire, ironfounders-J. and A. Stead, Batley, Yorkshire. ware-cutters-Barratt and Goodler, Altrincham, Cheshire, maltsters-Jones and Lodge, Sheffield, auctionenrs-Slater, Son, and Co. Chelsea, upholsterers- Body and Co. Mark Lane, merchants-Sargent and Son, Macclesfield, linendrapers-Lydney Trading Com- pany, Severn carriers-Hart and Horwood, Newington Causeway, tea-dealers-Lees and SODB, S0110 Works, Greenacres Moor, Lancashire, roller-manufacturers-Johnson and Co. Blackman Street, Southwark ; as far as regards T. 11. Bone-Heap and Lovrnds, Wolstanton, Staffordshire, earthenware-manufacturers-Whittaker and Lawrie, Wake- field, brick-makers-M. and C. C. Henwood, Ebury, Hampshire-Parkes and Davies, Sutton Coldrield, edge-tool-makers-Lecarpentler and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, coal- fitters-J. and F. Brown, Wootton Underedge, Gloucestershire. steloners-Terry and Oakes, Birmingham, platers-Cann and Hodgson, Redenhall with Harleston, Norfolk,
wine-merchants. BANKRUPTS.
BARKER, WILLIAM, Tottington Higher-end, Lancashire, cotton-spinner, to surrender Oct. 23, Nov. 19: solicitors, Mr. Bower, Tokenhouse Yard ; Mr. Joynson, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester.
BINDLEY, CRARtars, Chapel Street, SpItalfields, trimming-manufacturer, Oct. 23, Nov. 23; solicitor, Mr. Hudson, Buckiersbury ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry.
CLANCET, Curturrourna CARLISLE, choriton-upon-mediock, :ruddier. Oct. 21, Nov. 18: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford how; Mr. Law, Manchester; official as- signee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester. CROWTHER, THOMAS, Liverpool, wine-merchant, Oct. 20, Nov. 20: solicitors, Messrs. Sweeting and Byrne, Southampton Buildings ; Mr. Whitley, Liverpool ; official assignee. Mr. Morgan, Liverpool, DUMBLETON, JONATHAN, Bristol, spirit-merchant, Oct. 29, Nov. 24: solicitor, sir. Gray, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol. HEAVEN, JOHN, Bristol, painter, Oct. 27, Nov. 24: solicitor, Mr. Sabine, Bristol: official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol.
JOYCE, STEPHEN, London Wall, stove-manufacturer, Oct. 22, Nov. 26: solicitor, Mr. Hudson, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.
HEARST, Joust, Stratton Ground, Westminster, cheesemonger, Oct. 29, Dec. 3: soli- Mors, Messrs. Baylis and Drewe, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street. LEREW, WILLIAM Horzruc, late of Upper Norton Street, Fitzroy Square, apothecary, Oct. 22, Nov. 27: solicitors, Messrs. Lawless and Son, Hatton Court, Throgmortml- Street ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane.
PrrxEATHLT, JAmEs, Gloucester Street, Regent's Park, timber-merchant, Oct. 23, Nov. 23: solicitor, Mr. Fraser, Furnival's Ion; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers.
PrastELL, CHARLES HENRY, Liverpool, coal-merchant, Oct. 27, Nov. 24: solicitors, Messrs. Cornthwalte and Adams, Old Jewry; Messrs. Fisher and Stone, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool.
THING, READING, and BABINGSTOKE RAILWAY COMPANY, DOW OE late Of Rem Broad Street, Oct. 31, Dec. : solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Flews, Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street,
Vowurs, JOSEPH, Compton Bishop, Somersetshire-, teazle-dealer, Oct. 27, Nov. 24 : soli- citor, Mr. Alman, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol.
WaratLvnucarr, Joan, Stoke St. Milboroarh, Shropshire, farmer, Oct. 31, nre.21 : solicitors, Messrs. Smith and Co. Bedford Row; Messrs. Motteram and Knowlea.
Ininghsmn; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.
soy. 7, Felthouse, Fulham, plumber—Nov. 7, Wright, Oxford Street, druggist—Nov. Pullman, strand, hoMor—Nov. 4, Hart, Whiteehapel High Street, hat-manufacturer —Nenr 5, Snorer, St. James's Street, tallor—Nov. 5, Gibbet, Birmingham, button-maker —Nov. 6, J. and J. Thompeon, Leeds, stock-brokers--Nov. 4. Birch, Kingston-upon- Hull, tailor—Nov. 6, Conlen, Cheltenham, woollendraper—Nov. 4, Chapman, Devon- port, painter—Nov. 4. Came jun. Falmouth, grocer—Nov. 4, Davies, Shrewsbury, mer- cer—Nov. 6, Aldcroft, Manclumter, victualler—Nov. 5, W. W. and M. Spence, Newcas- tle-upon-Tyne, woollendrapers—Nov. 5, Watson, Gateshead, bookseller—Nov. 7, Ro- binson, Wolverhampton, grocer. CERTIFICATES To be granted, unless cause be shown to Me contrary, on the day of meeting. Nov. 6, EvIll, Vigo Street, Middlesex, cloth-manufacturer—Nov. 6, Cook, Robin Hood Yard, Leather Lane, carver—Nov. 5, Pritchard, Seymour Street, Camden Town, butcher—Nov. 6, Such, Bolingbroke Row, Walworth Road, auctioneer—Nov. 1, Salmon, Beaumont, Essex, carpenter—Nov. 4, Hart, Whitechapel High Street, hat-manufac- turer—Nov. 4, Woodbridge, Reading, saddler—Nov. 4, Clarke, late of Watling street, brush-manufacturer—Nov. 4, Ballard, Hastings, Inokeeper—Nov. 5, Cavendish, Church End, FInehley, lodging-house-keeper—Nov. 9, /Grafton, March, Isle of Ely, tailor— Nov. 6, Moore, Slrand, bookseller—Nov. 5, Mortimer, Lower Harley Street, wood- paviour—Nov. 5, 011ard, Unwell, Cambridgeshire, auctioneer—Nov. 6, Coodale, Rut- land Terrace, llornsey New Road, builder—Nov. 5, Cawdell, Hull, toy-dealer—Nov. 4, B. and W. C. Oxtoby, Wansford, Yorkshire, millers—Nov. 6, Howard, Leeds, cloth- merchant—Nov. 6, Coxwell and Cruse''. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchants—Nov. 4, Brytherch, Wrexham, grocer—Nov. 3, Wilkinson, Liverpool, fruiterer—Nov. 6, Wilson, Sheffield, grocer—Nov. 6, Hattersley, Sheffield, stove-manufacturer. To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before November 3. Kennett and Reynolds, Lamb Street, Spitallields, wax-Mandiers• -31•Kinuell, Fen- church Street, wine-merchant—Vertne, Liverpool, merenant—Purser, Cheltenham, draper—J. and D. Woodhead, Netherthong, near Huddersfield, woollen-cloth-manu- factmers—Audrews, Hillhouse, near Huddersfield, comnalssion-agent—Sudlow, Liver- pool, warehouse-keeper.
Thomas, Clifton, wine-merchant ; div. of 4s. on new proofs, and sec. div. of 8d. Oct. 21, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Miller, Bristol—Innes, Cheltenham, Iron- founder; first dly. of Md. Oct. 21, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Miller, Bristol —Waterhouse and Sutton, Salford, calico-printers ; first and &airily. of 20s. on R. Sut- ton's separate estate, Oct. 20, or any subsequent Tuesday ; 31r. Fraser, Manchester— Johnson, Salford, timber-mercbant ; sec. div. of 5s. 4d. and first and sec. div. of 9.1. 2d. on new proofs, Oct. 20, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester—Lythgoe, Liverpool, cooper ; sec. div. of Md., Oct 15, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Turner, Liverpool—Roe, Liverpool, goldsmith ; div. of Md., Oct. 22, or any subsequent Thurs- day; Mr. Turner, Liverpool—Stevenson, Manchester, tobacconist ; sec. div. of 3$. 4d., Oct. 22, or any subsequent Thursday; Mr. Turner, Liverpool—Hughes, Llysfffien, Car- narvonshire, farmer ; div. of 71d., Oct. 22, or any subsequenl Thursday ; Mr. Turner, Liverpool—Perry, Wolverhampton, ironfounder, ; first div. of 4s., any Thursday ; Mr. Whitmore, Binningham—Wenham, Birmingham, merchant; third div. of 5s., any Thursday ; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
BANK IER and Macesurre, Glasgow, iron-merchant, Oct. 19, Nov. 9. Comiss, L., Edinburgh, merchant, Oct. 15, Nov. 5.
rismair junior, J., Newlands, Kinross-shire, farmer, Oct. 19, Nov. 9. GLASS E., or SZAToN, Perth, hotel-keeper, Oct. 20, Nov. 10. RAIN, A., Cuptu• Fife, merchant, Oct. 19, Nov. 9. LINDSAY, J., liciensburgli, provision-merchant, Oct. 19, Nov. 10. ROBINSON, W., Edinburgh, jeweller, Oct. 17, Nov. 11.
Friday, Oct. 16.
Harmer and Pearson, Horseforth, Leeds, paper-makers—Little and Co. Mansfield Street, Borough Road, paper-manufacturers—Walley and Wilkinson, Chester—Edwards and Co. Framlington, Suffolk, grocers—Clarke and Munson, High Street, Islington, linendmpers-8. and B. &Gab, Holborn, truss-makers—Sorton and Wrench, Ardwlek, Lancashire, brewers—W. and J. Patrick, TIllington, Sussex, farmers—R. and T. Ro- binson Whitby, masons—Watkinson and Co. Huddersfield, heaters—Sheen and Co. Red Cl'oell Street, Borough, wbeelwrights—Gladwin and Weir, Ship Alley, Wellcioae Square, engravers—Hambro and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, commission-agents—Fisher and Read, Islington, publicans—Turner and Arney, Shoreditch, undertakers—H. and B. Cohan, Liverpool, pawnbrokers—Atherton and Co. Liverpool, tallors—Astill and Hedderly, Nottingham, ironmongers —Williams and Thomson. Liverpool, forwarding- agents—Firby and Co. Marylebone, brushmakers—Taylor and Sons, Aberdeen, woollen- drapers—Aberdeen Coach Manufacturing Company.
Csasnaw, GEORGE, and DAVISON, junior, GEORGE, Leeds, soap-boilers, to surrender NOT. 3,25: solicitors, Mr. Lambert, Raymond's Buildings ; Messrs. Snowdon and Co. and Mr. Coriss, Leeds ; official a-signee, Mr. Young, Leeds.
FREEMAN, JoSEPH HOWARD, Birmingham, builder Oct. 31, Nov. 18: solicitors, Mr. Ivimey, Chancery Lane ; Wright, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham. HASVEY, Geosos LUCK, Rood Lane, wine-merchant, Oct. 27, Dec. 3: solicitors, Laurance and Plews, Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street. HILLYER, Jells BROOKE, Leeds, dealer, Nov. 3, 25: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; Rogerson and Co. Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds. Moose, THOMAS, St. Alban's, ffirniture-broker, Oct. 24, Nov. 23: solicitor, Mr. Spyer, Broad Street Buildings ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers. • Slum, THOMAS, Stoke-upon-Trent, victualler Oct. 81, Nov. 18: solicitors, Mr. Wil- liams, Hanley in the Potteries ; Mr. Smith, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Whit- more, Birmingham.
THOMPSON, THOMAS, Brighton, grocer, Nov. 3, Dec. I: solicitors, Messrs. Simpson and Cobb, Moorgate Street ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.
Nov. 9, Whatley, William Street, Lisson Grove, grocer—Nov. 9, Fowler, Louth, Lin- colnshire, draper—Nov. 9, Cowden, Hull, dealer in toys—Nov. 9, Bickerton, Castle Street, Southwark, hat-manufacturer—Nov. 9, Goodale, Rutland Terrace, Hornsey New Road, builder—Nov. 7, Rolfe, Great Marlborough Street, tailor—Nov. 6, Turner, Houndsclitch, carpenter—Nov. 6, Burleigh, Haverhill, Suffolk, scrivener—Nov. 9, Stocker sea.' Seckford Street, Clerkenwell, hydraulic-engineer—Nov. 10, Locks, I.eo-
nard Street, Curtain Road, timber-merchant—Nov. 10, Perry, Harlow, Essex, grocer— Nov. 10, King, Sandell, and King, Renters Street, paper-stainers—Nov. 10, Cross, Jer- myn Street, saddler—Nov. 13, Forth, Nottingham, hatter—Nov. 13, Philip, Bristol, stationer—Nov. 18, Gottlob, Plymouth, merchant—Nov. 12, Came sea. Truro, provision- merchant—Nov. 18, Calnes, Chilton Centel°, Somersetshire, corn-dealer—Nov. 28, Jones, Birmingham, victualler—Nov. 12, Lees, Wolverhampton, ironmonger—Nov. 12, Nelson, Love Lane, healer—Nov. 14, J.and, G. Clarke, Market Harborough, carpet- Manufacturers—Nov. 14, Russell, Kidderminster, coal-merchant—Nov. 10, Griffiths, Wolverhampton, druggist—Nov. 24, Antrobus, Audley, Staffordshire, apothecary.
CERTIFICATES To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
Nov. 6, MOD, West Cowes, stationer—NOV. 9, Markham, Edmonton, boarding-house- keeper—Nov. 7, Boddington, Manchester, corn-dealer—Nov. 9, Savage, Dorset Square, apothecary—Nov. 10, Jones, Cardigan, victualler—Nov. 17, Benbow, Cheltenham, mercer—Nov. 19, Wainwright, Barnsley, surgeon—Nov. 19, Hall, Leeds, chemist— Nov. 10, Carne senior, Trnre, provision-merchant—Nov. 24, Brindley, Coventry, lace- Man—Nov. 6, Fletcher, Nottingham, chemical-manure manufacturer.
To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Nov. 6.
Taylor, Worcester, sham-broker—Davis, Broadway, Worcestershire, miller—Smith and Irvine, Liverpool, ruerchant13—Biggs, Houndsditch, undertaker—Rouse, Neptune Street, Rotherhithe, baker—Wyatt, Ockham, Surrey, brewer—Smithson, Canterbury, printer—Winfield, Bristol, potter—Frankish, Scarborough, joiner—R. and A. Knight, Budge Row, stationers—Kempster, Blackman Street, Southwark, builder—Moger, Holborn Illll, poulterer—Puckering and Malthus, Hull, woollendrapers —Kelly, Liver- pool, provision-dealer—Bleakley, Liverpool, bricklayer—Read, Manchester, cigar dealer.
Townsend and Brooke, noniron. bankers ; final div. of Md. ; flnal.div. of na. on G. Brookes separate estate ; and final div. of Is. 3d. and 7-10ths of a penny on J. Town- sends separate estate, ally day on and after Oct. 23; Mr. Hernaman, Exeter—Cut- elide, Pilton, near Barnstaple., surgeon ; first My. of Is. 64., any day after the date hereof, ; Mr. Hernaman, Exeter—Hargle.ft es, Klldwick, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner ; Anal div. of 3d., Oct. 16, or any subsequent Friday; Mr. Kynaston. Leeds—Clarke and Co. Leicester, bankers ; second dly. of Is. 6d. at the Three Crowns, Leicester • creditors whose names commenee from A to F, Oct. 19; to 0, Oct. 20 ; and P to Z, Oct. 21 ; at the George Hotel, Melton Mowbray, Oct. 22; at the Hind Inn, Luttenvorth, Oct. 23; or any Thursday, at Mr. Christie's, Birmingham. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. HXATPS, J. M., Dundee, auctioneer, Oct. 22, Nov. 16. LANG and &owns, Glasgow, shane-brokers, Oct. 23, Nov. 19. MARION, R., Devon Bank, near Altos, coal-master, Oct. 21, Nov. 18.