The Church, the Educator of the Nation. By Thomas Moore,
M.A. (Church Extension Association.)—Mr. Moore has done a good work here in showing how much England owes to the exertions of the Church. He reviews the progress of education for nearly thirteen centuries, appreciates what has been done in the past, and describes what is being accomplished now.—Another side of Church work is described in Brief Sketches of C.M.S. Missions, by Emily Headland (Nisbet and Co.)—Along with these may be mentioned British Education in India, by F. W. Thomas (Deighton, Bell and Co.), being the essay which won the Lebas prize. Here, too, the missionaries have done their share, though, of necessity, a large part of the work has had to be accomplished by other hands. Mr. Thomas's survey of the subject and his suggestions may be studied with profit.