Mr. Chamberlain Spoke On Tuesday, At A Meeting At High
Mead, near Carmarthen, held under considerable difficultie'. In order to get to the hall, an avenue of trees had to be traversed, and this, owing to the fury of the gale, proved......
It Is Stated That The German Authorities Are Still Dis-
contented with the magnitude of their resources in men. They need greater multitudes of soldiers to meet the coalition between Russia and France, and are inclined to try......
Sir Michael Hicks-beach, Speaking At Stockton-on-tees On...
be clearly understood that he does not entertain the idea of again becoming Leader of the House. "I know that I accepted the office most reluctantly in 1885, that I insisted......
The Result Of The Polling In Buteshire Was Announced On
Saturday. Mr. Graham Murray, the Unionist candidate, polled 1,365 votes, against 990 polled by his opponent, Mr. MacCulloch, and this secured a Unionist majority of 375. In......
On Tuesday, One Of The Worst Gales Recorded During The
last few years began to sweep over England. Inland, the country was strewn with the trunks and limbs of trees—the heavy foliage which, in spite of the fact that October is half......
The Strike At The London Wharves Which Has Been Maintained
though with little real enthusiasm, for the past fortnight, practically ended on Wednesday, when it became generally admitted that the attempt to institute a " block " at the......
The Continent Is Gossiping Loudly About A Visit Paid, On
October 13th, by M. de Giers to the King of Italy at Monza. As M. de Giers is the Czar's Foreign Minister, and enjoys all the confidence his Majesty gives to any one—which is......
Mr. Goschen Made A Brilliant Speech At Cambridge On...
a speech positively bristling with bright sentences, like the one in which he summed up the result of triennial Parliaments " In future, Members of Parliament are to sit with......