The Times' correspondent at Vienna affirms that the negotiations for
the despatch of the Indian mails by way of Belgrade and Salonica, are so far advanced that the new route may be opened in the beginning of 1892. The mails will pass through Belgrade and Vienna, and will be accelerated by thirty-six hours. The story is formal, and the rumour has been current for some time, but it is stoutly denied,, and we are inclined to think it is at least premature. Englishmen will do anything to accelerate a mail, and, we suppose, the P. and 0. Company would raise no objection to Salonica; but the journey will be a cruelly long one for Indian travellers, and the mails will offer a most tempting bait to brigands in Macedonia. Uncertainty in the arrival of Indian mails would be a very serious matter, and the Turkish Government cannot secure order in any corner of its dominions.