17 OCTOBER 1914, Page 21


[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent reniew.1 The Clarendon Press sends us another batch of the timely and admirable " Oxford Pamphlets " on subjects connected with the war. These include The Retreat from Mons, by H. W. C. Davis (3d. net); How can War Ever be Bight by Gilbert Murray ; French Policy since 1871, by F. Morgan and R. W. C. Davis ; War against War, by A. D. Lindsay ; Nietzsche and Treitschke, by Ernest Barker; The Value of Small States, by H. A. L. Fisher; Germany and the Fear of Russia, by Sir V. Chirol ; and To the Christian Scholars of Europe and America, a reply from Oxford to the German Address to Evangelical Christians (all 2d. net).---We may also strongly commend to our readers Mr. H. A. L. Fisher's Sheffield addresses on The War: its Causes and Issues (Longmans and Co., 6d. net), as well as the splendidly inspiriting sermon lately preached by the Dean of Norwich under the title of Armageddon (S.P.C.K., ld. net).