General Von Bernhardi Again. [to The Editor Or The...
SIR,—Another of General von Bernhardi's books (How Germany Makes War, Hodder and Stoughton, 2s. net) has been translated ; and probably many, like myself, have been dis-......
America And The War.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — I send you an extract from a letter just received from a valued friend in the United States, resident in New York, and at the time he......
Quacks And Foreign Policy.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOE."] SIR, —Dr. Holland Rose hits the right nail on the head in his letter in your issue of October 10th. Just as Sir John French cannot in war......
[to The Eprros Or The " Srscrwrou.:] Sra,—in Confirmation Of
statements in the Spectator that the sympathy of Americans is with the Allies in the present war, I enclose an extract from a letter which I recently received from a firm of New......