Shares alike
Sir: Perhaps I may make two observations about your comments on Mr Bryan Gould's ideas (Leading article, 3 October).
The argument in favour of giving shares in their companies to workers is surely precisely the same as that for the granting of share options to senior executives. If there is any practical difference, it is one of degree and not of principle. In logic, therefore, if you disapprove of one you should also disapprove of the other.
Later, you write that the employees of left-wing councils have seen their pensions eroded by the decision of their councils to disregard stockbrokers' advice and become
founder shareholders in the News on Sun- day. In fact, the employees will not suffer, because they are members of schemes under which their pension benefits are related to their length of service and their earnings when they retire. It will actually be the taxpayers and ratepayers who have to make good any shortfall in the pension fund which results from the councillors' stupidity.
Tony Rider
Sunnyside, Burton Row, Brent Knoll, Somerset