City And Suburban
The City's astronauts retrieve our exports from the black hole C H R ISTOPHER FI LDES S ilencing Denis Healey is beyond my powers, but I came closest to it when he was......
House Arrest
SOME companies are more privatised than others, and British Gas remains one of the others. Witness its brush with a merchant banker. The gas men wrote to him, asking to come and......
Sallying Out
THE yuppie's farewell to serious money? Shudders run through a thousand Gucci wallets as Salomon Brothers confirm that, for them, bond dealing is no longer the most fun they can......
Flying Docksmen
PROGRESS report on the new scenic tramline, or Docklands Light Railway: its progress is fitful. The trams, like the rest of us, seem to be sensitive to the weather, and the......
The Big Apfel
CHANGE and action, I was saying last week, must be on their way to the Stock Exchange's overloaded settlement systems — unable to cope with the new sharehol- ders conjured up in......