17 OCTOBER 1992, Page 45




1081: Rotary clubs

A. first prize of £20 and a bottle of Graham's Malvedos 1979 Vintage Port for the first correct solution opened on 2 November, with two runners-up prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word `Dictionary'). Entries (no photocopies) to: Crossword 1081, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.

Twenty radial lights read from rim to centre, and twenty from centre to rim. Thirteen of them are suggested by, or synonymous with, the italic cards which have replaced the normal definition parts of their clues. Seven clubs also rotate clockwise in the circuit next to the outer one.

Name Address Australian 38 RADIALS (6) 1 Aussie oafs, stevedores taking day off

2 Eight — and Queen — in dis- putes

3 Force second lock 4 Types imbibing hot drinks 5 Body-segment in case, tiny one 6 500 and odd rooms in avenue

7 Four, last from dealer covered with pimples

8 Southern benign speech 9 Bitter, this French spring 10 Tried reforming toughs

11 Grasps Five

12 Fouls river in Lesotho 13 Sound of pony, Welsh hybrid 14 At the same time that tyro's involved in card game

15 Nine: throw out first in Yarbor- ough

16 Local fret from R.I. covered by plant

17 Seven, look, held by boxer Hen-

18 Shed in US backwater 19 Listen to bird circling boat

20 King, persist in masking a King 21 Cheat'sfiddled Queen (hyphened)

22 Drain Scotch? Woman has dis- tasteful expression

23 Three? Thank you!

24 Graylings, quantities once headed 25 Variegated petals growing in hedges 26 Aims and predictions

27 Six (second, note, in series of games)

28 eceives shipman at Customs? 40 35 36 37 39

Knave, such as serves man with- out King

Writer's little pen?

I am Left in tendency Apply for gold in reserve fund Brainy playing Two

Radical writer rejected? Case for security?

Flog timber without right East European's holding up Ace Overcast? Dazzling in Cyprus Cold lake in valley Ten gets me a winning round, almost

Short spasm grips the French preacher 29 30 31 32 33 34

Solution to 1078: Fruit pie In thematic lights each pie (=mixTuRE, variously) contained a fruit — e.g. 19 MEDL-sloe-EY, 43 Pissric-berry-clo.

First prize: Peter A. Tinsley, Leeds; Runners-up: Brenda J. Widger, Altrincham; H. F. Thomas, Diss.

Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service.