17 OCTOBER 1992, page 24


Everyone's friend Sir: Your issue of 26 September included an article by Mr Raymond Bonner on recent British policy towards Kenya CA sad misuse of influence'). I should like to......

Waugh, Pere Et Fils

Sir: Richard Acton advises that he was sur- prised that Evelyn Waugh drank beer for breakfast when in Rhodesia (Books, 19 September). I cannot imagine why: every- body in the......

Bend Sinister

Sir: I was disconcerted to read Theodore Dalrymple's description of Dupuytren's contracture (a fibrous growth in the hand) as 'a condition rare in anyone but a heavY drinker'......

Cool Dudes

Sir: Andro Linklater's otherwise excellent review of Mordechai Richler's Oh Canada! Oh Quebec! which appeared in the 26 September issue, is marred by unnecessari - ly dragging......

Hard Of Hearing

Sir: Why is it that every time someone men- tions the Maastricht Treaty I hear the Mass Tricked Treaty? Noel A. Longmore Apartado 268, 8800 Tavira, Portugal......


Sir: Peter Levi says in his review of Brocard Sewell's autobiography (Books, 12 Septem- ber) that Cardinal Griffin was a humourless booby who exiled the author for suggesting,......