17 SEPTEMBER 1831, Page 10

TIIE ROBBERY AT MR. BUTTERWORTIL'S.—The various persons impli- cated in

the abstraction from Mr. Butterworth's warehouses of an im-

mense quantity of books in quires, with a view to dispose of them as waste paper, have been tried. Thomas Waketnan and Joseph Lill were found guilty at the Old Bailey yesterday, and sentenced, 'Wakeman to seven years' transportation, and Lill to two years' imprisonment. The books stolen were sold some at 2-ad. some at 3d. per lb. !

MURDER AT EDINBURG Tuesday afternoon, the inhabitants of Stockbridge and Comely Bank were thrown into a state of intense alarm by the tidings of a cruel and savage murder of a boy having been disco- vered. About two o'clock, a man dressed in a fustian jacket, having the appearance of a tradesman or labourer, was observed to pass along the bridge, leading a fine boy about nine years of age in his hand. They proceeded together along the road which passes Malta Terrace to a field to the westward of Mr. Lawrie's farm-house, on the grounds of Inver.. leith, where they were last seen by a girl herding some cows in an

adjoining field. In a very short while after, the man was noticed look- ing steadfastly into a deep ditch, or farm drain, where he remained for some minutes ; he was afterwards observed to wade through the Water of Leith at the whins behind Saxe Coburg Place, where all further tidings of him were lost. Within a quarter of an hour after his depar. ture, some persons passing along the footpath, which is an ordinary thoroughfare through the fields to the Ferry road, discovered the body of the boy lying at the bottom of the ditch, which at the spot contained about two feet depth of water, with the face upwards. The body was quite warm, but life was extinct. It was immediately conveyed to the Police-office, High Street, where an attempt was made to open the vein of the right arm, which proved ineffectual. On the body being exa- mined, a wound, about the size of a shilling, was observed in the centre of the forehead, which had evidently been made by a blow from a blunt in- strument (the butt-end of a pistol, it is conjectured), which separated the integuments and laid the skull bare, but without fracturing the bone. In the centre of the chest, immediately below the sternum, were the marks of upwards of twenty shot wounds; most of them were superficial, but one having the appearance of a large slug had penetrated to a consider- able depth into the thoracic cavity, and of itself, in our opinion, would have proved fatal, more especially to one of the tender years of this vic- tim. No clue has as yet been found by which the perpetrator of this foul and cruel murder can be discovered. The scenes at the Police-office were truly heart-rending. Mothers from various quarters of the town, whose children had not returned home from play, poured in, in all the agony of distress, but on seeing the body, burst into tears, and with min- gled curses on the inhuman wretch and blessings to God for the safety of their offspring, gave vent to their feelings for the hapless fate of the " bonny bairn." Up to a late hour last night the body had not been claimed—New North Briton, Sept. 14.

COACH ROBBERY.—On the night of the 1st instant, a parcel was stolen from the Cork mail, containing bank post bills to the amount of 5001., which had been forwarded, made up in the usual manner, from the house of Messrs. Leland, Crosthwaite, and Sons, of Dublin, to Messrs. Samuel Crosthwaite and Co., Royal Oak, county of Carlow.

MORE ROBBERIES OF BANKERS.—A clerk in the banking-house of Cur- tis, Robarts, and Co., has absconded with cash to the amount of about 4,000/., which he had collected in the performance of his ordinary duties. BRUTAL AND FATAL ASSAULT.—On the night of Thursday the 23rd ult., a lamplighter, named William Johnson, was attacked most wantonly by a party of seven or eight soldiers, while passing through Grosvenor Square. One of the party, a corporal, struck him a violent blow on the face, which knocked him down, and he was beat and kicked in a most brutal manner by the rest, until he lay insensible on the ground. The poor man, after lingering in great agony until Monday night last, expired. MILITARY TORTURE.—William Millhouse, a drummer lad belong- ing to the 2nd battalion Scotch Fusileer Guards, received, on Wednes- day morning, three hundred lashes ! He bore the full punishment with great fortitude. Millhouse, who bears a very bad character, has already been twice flogged. On one occasion he received two hundred and fifty lashes, and in less than six weeks afterwards, he received one hundred and fifty more.