Lord Althorp And The Press.
IN the course of some remarks on the freedom of the Press, made by Lord ALTHORP in the House of Commons on Thursday,—re- marks conceived in a noble spirit of simplicity and......
Monopoly Of Coals.
MR. BRISCOE has said, that if the present prices of coals continue, he will, next session, move the-reimposition of the duty, and the reduction of some tax of which the people......
Patronage—naval Appointments.
IN another part of our paper will be found an able statement from the Chronicle on the subject of Ministerial Patronage, as it has been misapplied or misused, in its character......
Haymarket Theatre.
SINCE our brief account of the commencement of Mr. KEAN'S engagement at the Haymarket, in Richard the Third, he has per- formed Othello, Sir Giles Overreach, Shylock, and......