On the 9th inst. at Montague House, Whitehall, the Duchess of BUCCLE UCH, of a son and heir.
On the 8th inst. in Stanhope Street, the Lady L1LFORD, of a daughter. At Netherton, near Wakefield, the wife of GEORGE PICEERING, labourer, gave birth to tour children, two of whom were born alive, but are since dead. On the 14th inst. at Church House, Marylebone, the Lady of Lieut.-Colonel COLF.BROOKE, of a son.
Ou the 13th inst. at Maunsell House, Somersetshire, the Lady of Lieut.-General SLADE, of a son.
On the 14th inst. at Windmill Hill, Sussex, the Lady of HOWARD ELPIHNSTONE, Esq. of a son.
On the 7th inst. at Pittodrie, Aberdeenshire, CECIL Mo N 0, Esq. of York Terrace, Regent's Park, London, to ELIZABETH, youngest daughter of the late Colonel Knight Erskine, of Pittodrie.
On the 13th inst. at Trinity Church, Marylebone, GEORGE DELMAR, Esq. of Nor- folk Street, to HARRIET, youngest daughter of the late Robert Morris, Esq. M.P. for the city of Gloucester. On the 13th inst. at St,. Margaret's Church, Westminster, ,JOHN FAIRLIE, Esq. to Miss H omE PURVES, daughter-in-law to the Right Hon. (he Speaker. On the 13th inst. at the Parish Church of Wakefield, the Rev. S. HALL, B.D. Vice Principal and Fellow of that Society, and Rictor of Middleton Cheney, in the county of Northampton, to ANNE, daughter of the late Joseph Holdsworth, Esq. of Belle Isle, near Wakefield. On the 6th inst. at St. Matthew's, Brixton, the Rev. J. K. CRAIG, Incumbent of Oulton-cum-Woodlesford, formerly Incumbent of this Parish, to ELIZABETH TUDOR, daughter of the late Captain Phillips, R.N. At Nantwich, Mr. ABRAHAM COLLEY, a veteran of 70, to CATHARINE JENKINS, a blooming widow of 75. This was the fourth attendance of the bridegroom at the hymeneal altar, and be had been a widow only four weeks. At the early age of 17 he married his first wife, who shortly after "sickened, drooped, and died ;" and in his 19th year he married again. His second wife lived but six weeks, and he placed his affections upon his third, a casual spectator during the funeral obsequies. He was herthird husband; and he is third husband to his present wife. On the 15th inst. at St. George's Church, the Rev. HENRY BUCELEY, second son of Mr. and Lady Georgina Buckley, to CHARLOTTE MARGARET, eldest daughter of the late Sir J. Lowther Johnstone, Bart. of Wetherhall, in the county of Dumfries. On the 15th inst. at St. George's, Hanover Square, having been previously married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church, the Count de SAINT MAIL' SAULT, of Paris, to Miss POWER, the sister of the Countess of Blessington.
On the 29th ult. at Braehead, in his 92nd year, the Rev. JAMES How's os MOODY CRAWFURD, of Braehead, the Father of the Church of Scotland. On the 11th inst. at Hampton, EDWARD B. SUGDEN' Esq. the eldest surviving son of Sir Edward B. Sugden, of Guildford Street, Russell Square. On the 6th inst. at Grainville House, in the Island of Jersey, in his 75th year, Jotter POIN GDESTRE, Esq. many years one of the Judges in the Royal Court of that island. On the 10th inst. at her house in Henrietta Street, in her 90th year, ANNE, Coun- tess of MORNINGTON, relict of Garrett, late Earl of Mornington. On the 2nd inst. at East Burnham House, Buckinghamshire, Jong POPPLE, Esq. in his Slst year. On the 30th ult. at his house, Brantisland, Fife, WILLIAM YOUNG, Esq. On the 28th ult. at Glasgow College, Professor WALKER. The Be;'. M. 13. KEOCu, Catholic Rector of Baldoyle and Howth. On the 8th inst. BR ICKDALE, Esq. in his 97th year; Representative for many
years of Bristol.
At Howden, Mrs. SARAH BAIN, aged 100 years and 7 months. On the .5th inst. at Upper Hailing, WiLmAx GOLDING, who in June last com- pleted his 100th year. Lately, in the Island of Jamaica, JosErn RA:sr, a Black, belonging to Mortice Hall estate ; at the extraordinary age of one hnndred and forty-six years. He remembered the Duke of Albemarle, who succeeded to the government of that ielandin 1678. It is said he had a complete set of new teeth about twenty-five years ago, which remained sound to the day of his death. His hair had turned quite grey-he retained his sight and memory well, and had all his senses perfect, except that of smelling. He was inclined, du ing the last twenty-seven years of his life, to corpulence-never sick but once, and all the physic he ever took in his life was one dose of nut-oil. He had twenty-six children by different women. At Falmouth, Jamaica, on the 7th July, Mr. Joss BucHAN, eldest son of Mr. Charles Buchan, Meadow Place, Edinburgh. At Chewton Mendip, Mrs. ELIZABETH CHURCH, in her 95th year, mother to 14 children, grandmother to 93, and great grandmother to 25. On the 14th inst. after only two days' illness, at his house, Queen Square, Bristol, JOSEPH STEELE, one of the Society of Friends, in his 63d year. On the 2d inst. FRANCES ISABELLA. KERR GORDON, only daughter of Lord and Lady William Gordon.