ADVICE To THE Loans.—The Livery meets on Monday. Requisitions have
been presented to the Aldermen of Bread Street, Farringdon Without, and various other wards in the City ; where it is supposed meetings will take place in every parish as well as ward. Westminster will meet on the list. The impetus has been given, and there can be little doubt that in the course of eight or ten days meetings will be held in every quarter of the country. The counties are specially called on, and will answer the call. Middlesex is already up, and there is a requi- sition for a Kent meeting. We have not heard whether that most ex- cellent patriot and worthy man, Mr. Hunt of Stamford Street, means to attend the meeting of the Livery on Monday. if he do, we hope the Livery will hear him patiently, and that no pelting with rotten eggs or dead cats, or other emblems of boroughmongery, will mark their sense of his conduct in. opposing' the Bill and the 'Ministry. CRIPPLEGATE W1THIN.—This ward met yesterday, at the Baptist's Bead tavern, Aldermanbury, to petition the Lords in favour of the
MU Alderman Wood was in the chair. The petition was agreed to by acclamation. A Mr. Richardson attempted to put in a word for the non-resident Liverymen, but the meeting would sot l'seni to him. He admitted, that if the Bill were rejected, a revolution would be the pro- bable consequence. Alderman Wood said he had no apprehension of the Lords rejecting the Bill ; it was understood that several of the Bishops 'would vote for the second reading. LORD ALTUORP ,IND Loan JOaN is the intention of 'the members of Parliament who have stood firm by the Reform Bill from the beginning, to give a dinner to these two excellent noblemen on the 24th. Kay, of the Albion, prepares the feast and furnishes the wines ; and the Stationers' Hall has been lent for the occasion. the large roam of the Albion being too small. The Lord Mayor and Sheriffs will be the only additional guests invited.
M.titymmuNE.—The inhabitants of this parish have very generally de- termined to resist the rates imposed by their Select Vestry, and legal measures have been adopted to compel them. The case has been men- tioned in Parliament ; but we fear neither P:e•liament nor the public are prepared for the strong measure of refusi: • •ele supplies, adopted by the parishioners. The Parish Borouglur ssers will die hard, like the National Boroughmongers; the comfoet is, that die they both must. Cii.uiiau Cuoss Hosiers'..—The ceremony of laying the founda- tion-stone of this building took place on Thursday. The brethren and gentlemen forming the procession assembled at the Vestry-room, at half-past twelve ; and proceeded to the site of the intended build- ing. The procession was the customary masonic one. When the head of it arrived at the site, the brethron divided to the right and left, and faced inwards, forming an avenue for the -1I.11'. Grand Master to pass through, preceded be the standard of the Grand Pe t ron, and the Grand Sword-bearer, and followed by his Royal Ili;..tliness's banner, the Ionic light, the Grand Master of Ireland, the Deputy Grand Master, and Grand Officers, who took their respective situatious on the platform. The Vice-Patrons of the institution, the Vice-Presidents, and Building. Committee also were on the platform. The stone was then raised ; and, after the lower one had been adjusted, the Grand Secretary read aloud the inscription on the brass plate, and placed the seine in the cavity of the lower stone. The Grand Treasurer deposited the phial containing the coin. The cement was then placed on the upper face of the bottom stone, and the Grand Master adjusted it with a trowel; after which the upper stone was lowered slowly, the band pltlymg "Rule Britannia." The Grand Master then proud the just position and form of the stone by the plumb, level, and square; after which his Royal Highness gave the stone three knocks with the mall, which was delivered by the Duke of Leinster. His Royal Highness then strewed the corn and poured the wine and oil over the stone, with the accustomed cere- monies. The band then struck up " God save tke King, ;" after which the brethren returned to the Vestry-room. An immense crowd as- sembled to witness the proceedings, for whose accommodation seats had in many places been erected. The flags floating from various stations, as well as that on St. Martin's Church, gave the neighbourhood quite a gay appearance.
MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL—An assistant-surgeon has been appointed to this Hospital. The contest lay between Mr. Arnott and Mr. Perri. At the close of the poll, the numbers were—Mr. Arum; 287; Mr. Perry, 132.
SUNDAY SCIMM.S.—On. Wednesday at six o'clock in the evening, a public meeting was held at Exeter Hall, to celebrate a " Jubilee," in commemoration of the birth-day of Mr. Robert Raikes, the original founder of Sunday school institutions. Lord Henley presided. A re- port was read, in which it was stated that a subscription of 10,0001. more would be requisite in order to establish Sunday schools on a satis- factory' footing throughout the country: 1,0094 had already been re- cSived in the course of the morning. Mr. Blackburn (au Independent minister) concluded an historical review of the progress of Sunday schools since their first establishment fifty years ago, by expressing a hope that Lord Brougham would take up the subject of national educa- tion, and introduce some great and comprehensive system for the dis- semination of sound religious principles throughout the entire empire ; a suggestion which was received with loud and long-continued applause.