17 SEPTEMBER 1831, Page 8


the least note in the kingdom, meetings were held on the 8th, in honour of the solemnities of the day. Generally speaking, dinners to the wealthy, and distributions to the poor, have been the not ungratifying mode of celebration adopted.

At Glasgow, the trades appear to have exhibited a pageant less sub- stantial but more splendid than those in which plain pudding-eating Joint Bull loves to luxuriate. The following description of the meeting we copy from a correspondent of the Times. " The bands assembled on the Green at Glasgow at an early hour ; they came from all parts of the neighbourhood, as well as from every quarter,of the town. The people. in the Green began about twelve o'clock to file off, arranged by their trades, villages, workshops, &c.: they went down the Gallowgate, up the High Street, along George Street, up St. Vincent Street, down to Argyll Street East, along the Trongate, back to the Green, and there dispersed. They took St. Vincent Street in order to pass the Provost's house, whom they cheered as they passed. They were led by the head of the police on a charger and with a truncheon. Then followed the carters on horseback, to the nuniber of from three hundred to five hundred, arranged accord- ing to the colour of their horses, and all loaded with ribands on bonnets, tails, and manes. The greys went first, expressly in honour of the head of Administration. They were succeeded by a countless host, which, walk- ing three abreast, took above two hours to pass; the whole waving with flags, emblems, and devices of all kinds, and every band bearing beautiful models of their work. Among these last were many exquisite steam.. engines, looms, printing-presses, pianofortes, coaches, and steam-boats, nil in action. Nothing surprised me so nutch as the numerous bands of music—on an average consisting of fifteen players each, and good players. The flags, &c. were all full of loyally and reform. The Provost, the Sheriffs, and others were on the watch, and we could not detect one single allusion to Hunt ; and of thousands, there were only two tricolor flap, and these, from their accompaniments, plainly not French in their prin- ciple. Every thing was Lord Grey,' Lord Brougham," The King,' Reform," Economy," No Boroughmongers ! ' I observed about a dozen soldiers, and not three dozen in all of police, all either assisting or enjoying the sight ; yet I never saw a crowd where a lady or a child would have been more safe, they were all in such perfect good humour. In point of fact, I walked with my wife and daughter from the Tontine, whither we had first gone, to the Provost's, in St. Vincent Street, with perfect ease. Old D—, the banker, and Clelland, the- statist, astounded me by computing the show to have cost at the least 100,0001.; this assumed every workman, male and female, in and round Glasgow, to have been idle three days preparing for it. The de- vices, mostly of silk, and the bands, must have been very dear. They were all, even the spectators, in their best clothes, and all with Reform aprons or ribands. King Crispin was really as glorious, to the eye, as George the Fourth, when he entered Edinburgh. lie had not only a Lord Chancellor, pages, dukes, &c., but a presiding judge, dressed in the full and exact costume of the Lord President."