17 SEPTEMBER 1831, Page 9

DEATH OF Mn. J. C. CAM - DLit:I', M.P.—This unhappy gentleman cut

his throat on Sunday afternoon, at las house in ‘I'llitehall Place. The following is the evidence of George Rennison, Mr. Calcraft's servant, at the Inquest held on Monday. " Miss Calcraft was standing on the landing-place of the second floor [this was about four o'clock on Sunday afternoon, at which hour Miss Calcraft had just returned from church], when she called George, meaning me. When I got up to her, she said, Where is my father ?' I replied, I suppose he is in his bed-room.' She then inquired a how long it was since I had seen him ?' I replied, Three quarters of an hour? She then proceeded to his bed-room door on the same landing-place, and knocked, but it was fast, and she received no answer. She then proceeded to his dressing-room, Which adjoins his sleeping-room ; I followed her, and we removed sonic things which were placed near the bed-room door, which enabled us to enter it. On going into the room, Miss Calcraft shrieked out George, George !' and we advanced about two paces into the room. I then saw the deceased lying on the floor, with his face downward, in a complete pool of blood. Miss Calcraft threw herself on the body of the deceased, and cried out 'Father, father !' five or six times. She then directed me to run with all possible dispatch and fetch somebody. I went in- stantly, leaving her kneeling by her father. When I left the house, there was no one below but the footman, the porter having just gone out. As I went down stairs, I met the footman coming up, but did not speak to him, and proceeded out in search of assistance; and, in the course of a few minutes, Mr. Freeman, a medical gentleman, arrived ; but, prior to his arrival, I had returned and got into the house, having taken the precaution not to shut the doors. I went instantly into the bed-room of the deceased, and found Miss Calcraft still kneeling over the remains of the deceased, screaming and crying. She requested me to lift the body on the bed, which I was unable to do. I think I was absent about two minutes, and when I returned the footman was in the

hall. As soon as Mr. Freeman arrived, he proceeded tip stairs to the deceased's bed-room. Miss Calcraft was still there, and it was wi• ex- treme difficulty that Mr. Freeman prevailed upon her to retire. Mr. e'ree. man then examined the body, and said, that the deceased was quite lead. Whilst the examination was going On, Miss Calcraft again entert• i the apartment, and reluctantly quitted it again ; as soon as she was gone out, I and Mr. Freeman lifted the body on the bed. On lifting him up, I saw a dreadful gash in his throat, and he had a bloody razor firmly

grasped in his right hand. The deceased was attired in his dee ;sing,- jacket, pack waistcoat, and pentaloons, stockings, and shoes. His :.twat was on the bed, and his watch lying on a small dressing-table."

Mr. Joseph Freemen, ett• Spring Gardens, deposed, " 2 eas

caked in to the deeetet te-ee afternoon, between and -0

o'clock. I found him 1. floor, with Ids face downwe.

There was a wound are.:.;:, dividing the principal arteries, ;,

laying bare the vertebra; c,C the neck. The floor was covered with blos . The deceased was quite dead. It appears to me that the wound was indicted by the unfortunate gentleman in a standing iwNition, whilst leaning teelinst the seeretaire, which was covered with blood. For the last sine. nemtlis I have attended the deceased professionally, and have 01,50: yed, doling that period, it deep and settled melancholy ; and I was not witlemt my apprehension that he might do mischief to Iiimself, but I did not :make this communication to any one, its he lied only his two daughtees living with him ; but I did caution Captain Ghillies Calcraft, his son, who did not reside ill the house, but who called occasionally, that the deceased ought to he watelled." Alexander Philip Wilson Pbilips, .51. D., of Cavendish Square —" I have been in attendance upon ?ilia:, Calcraft for some months pest. Durine. ne... visits I had an oppertunity of seeing the decease:; he appeared low-spirited; which increased to such a degree that about three weeks ago he was confined to his lied with slow nervous fever and aberrations of mind. I prescribed for him, and in a short time the fever left him, and the aberration of mind settled dini.•11 into a deep melancholy ; when I ventilated Miss Arabella Caleraft, to look well after him, lest he should do ie;schief. The last time I saw the deceased W;LS on Friday, and he Ives then certainly labouring under great depressiim of spirits ; reel this great depression of spirits, when compared with his late aberra- tion of mind, leads me to the conclusion that at the time he conunitted the act he laboured under a momentary return of that aberration ofieleii facttellect, and that in et was at the time of all unsound mind. I feel convinced that the deceased committed the act himself, though in Con- versation with Me he frequently assured me that he should never commit such an act." Juror—s' Did he ever feel disappointment at not hems elevated to the Peerage 9" Witness----" I believe he never had any ex., pectation of being raised to the Peerage. Ile had latterly fancied that he was continually watched by a man sitting on the top of a house. The deceased was a thorough believer ill religion."

The Jury returned a verdict—"That the deceased committed the act himself; he being at the time in a state of temporary mental derangement."