Cumworth House, by the author of Caste, 3 vols. (Hurst & Blackett)'—Bell's Poets, Dryden (C. Griffin & Co.)— History of the Great Flood at Sheffield (S. Harrison)— Waifs and Strays, by the Rev. 'S. F. Surtees (Russell Stnitb)—The Works of William Shakespeare, by the Rev. A. Dyes, Vol IV. (Chapman dv Hall)—Mathematical Exercises, by S. H. Winter, F.R.A.S. (Longman t Co.)— Praed's Poetical Works, by W. M. Praed, M.P., 2 vela (Edward Moxon & Co.)—Dalziel's Illustrated Goldsmith (Ward & Lock)—The Religion of the Universe, by R. Fellowes, LL.D. (Williams vic Norgate)—Handbook for Paris; Knapsack Guide to Switzerland (John Murray)— A Grammar of the French Language, by Henri Van Lawn, Part III. (Trubuer & Co.)—The History of Lan- guages, by Themes Prendergast (Richard Bentley)— Goldsmith's Works, by J. F. Waller, LLD. (Cassell, Fetter, S Galpin).