Paul Bedford's Reminiscences.* Tux Chief Interest Of This...
in illustrating that particular sort of " jollity " which appears to be derived from the mental exercise of inventing an elaborate series of equivalents for ordinary phrases,......
Current Lueratime.
A Handbook for Visitors to Paris. With map and plans. (John Mar- ray.)—This is really a good handbook. It is small enough to be port- able, and yet tells the visitor everything......
The Knapsack Guide For Travellers In Switzerland, With...
plans, and mountain outlines. (John Murray.)—The first of a new series, whose price will enable them to compete with the numerous- guide-books which were rapidly under-selling......
History Of The Names Of Men, Nations, And Places.* It
is not easy to imagine a more perfect contrast than that pre- sented by the volumes before us to a work bearing a somewhat similar title which was reviewed not long since in......