Coffee and Chian. By P. L. Simmonds. With numerous illustra-
tions. (E. and F. N. Spon.)—Mr. Simmonds calls this interesting little monograph a practical essay ; it might be fairly called a hand- book. The botanical description, chemical analysis, culture, and preparation of coffee are succinctly and agreeably described, and house- wives or bachelors who are particular about this pleasant drink will find some useful and minute information as to the best mode of brew- ing it. Mr. Simmonds prefers coffee made with cold water. It is re- markable that the use of coffee in Arabia is not of more than four centuries' standing, the mother-country of the plant being apparently Abyssinia. The chief seats of the cultivation, are now the Madras Presidency and Ceylon. Mr. Simmonds has produced a useful and amusing essay. The illustrations are from original drawings and photographs.