Thoughts on the EtirnaL By the Rev. Coma R. Gordon,
M.A., F.R.G.S. (Longman and Co.)—Thoae sermons, for under the title given . above is concealed one of those volumes of which it is the destiny of every clergyman to publish one, were preached at Manchester, and are given to the world in this form at the request of the writer's congrega- tion. We think the character of these productions is such as to make them very interesting to the doubtless numerous circle of persons who have come under Mr. Gordon's personal influence. Anything very remarkable in them taken merely as sermons we do not see. Tho topics and language are both conventional, as must be the case with most sermons ; but among sermons which are not original in conception they are entitled to a very high place. Mr. Gordon speaks of them ' with a modesty which we feel sure is genuine, but the perusal of his volume cannot but raise him in the eyes of his friends.