LETTERS People count
Sir: The claim made by MPs Sir Nicholas Fairbairn and Richard Ottoway that the cri- sis in Rwanda is in some part caused by overpopulation (Letters, 10 September) is by far and away the best example I have ever seen of Parliamentarians falsely using tragic circumstances to justify their preju- dices.
Certainly, Rwanda has a high birth-rate, and is relatively densely populated. Howev- er, it is a huge step to assert that this is the chief cause of ethnic tension. If this were the case, the future for the densely populat- ed European Community would be even bleaker than ever.
There are a great many other highly pop- ulous countries which are hardly on the verge of civil war and anarchy. Indeed, would Sir Nicholas and Mr Ottoway be pre- pared to put the troubles in the quite sparsely populated island of Ireland down to overpopulation? I doubt it.
As for Mr Ottoway's ridiculous remark that 'the stork is becoming the bird of war', perhaps he's so used to talking 'bull' that such strange mixed metaphors trip lightly off his tongue.
And isn't it a bit rich for Sir Nicholas Fairbairn of all people to berate others because 'they enjoy fornicating'?
Stewart Finn
11 Holmbury Court, Upper Tooting Road, London SW17